Hari ini hujan terus mengguyur kota. Meskipun memiliki jeda, namun hujan ini tampaknya tak akan berhenti sampai malam tiba.
Kulitku memerah karena hawa dingin, jujur saja, aku tak tahan dingin. Sungguh tak tahan.
Yah… aku hanya membaca novel sambil mendengar musik lembut OneRepublic… rasanya damai…. Sungguh damai…
Andai perasaan ini abadi.
Tak ada rasa takut dan cemas yang mengintai tiap saat.
Aku ingin tinggal disuatu tempat dimana keadaannya sungguh damai. Namun, mengingat kerumitan dunia saat ini. Aku meragukan ada tempat semacam itu.
Kadang aku terbangun di pagi hari, bertanya-tanya dalam hati, apakah ini mimpi atau benar-benar dunia nyata? Maksudku, kadang aku tak mampu membedakan mana yang nyata dan mana yang hanya sekedar mimpi. Yah…. Kupikir ini karma. Mengapa? Karena aku pernah berpikir, sungguh tolol jika ada orang yang tak mampu membedakan mana dunia mimpi dan mana dunia nyata. Well… sungguh pemikiran tak bertanggung jawab menurutku. = (
Aku hanya kadang merasa bahwa dunia mimpi itu sungguh nyata, sangat nyata. Bahwa aku menganggap dunia mimpi adalah duniaku sesungguhnya dan hampir selalu berpikir bahwa aku sedang tak bermimpi, bahwa dunia nyata itulah dunia mimpi sesungguhnya. (jika inception methode benar-benar ada, maka mungkin aku akan memilih tinggal di dunia mimpi. Pengecut? Yah… aku seorang pengecut yang seolah-olah tampak hebat. Bullshit.)
Hidup yang baik
Itulah yang diinginkan oleh banyak orang. Siapa , sih, yang tak mau? Begitu juga aku. Tapi, kenyataan tak semulus harapan. Mungkin harapanmu tersandung oleh masalah kecil yang seolah-olah tampak besar. Manusia itu lemah. Kadang kala kuat juga, sih. Tergantung bagaimana individu itu menghadapi masalahnya.
So… sebenarnya aku mau membahas apa? Yah… aku bosan… hanya itu. Rasa bosan yang menggerogoti hidupku, seakan-akan membuat otakku akan mengkerut. Kupikir, berinteraksi dengan situs jejaring sosial akan membuat hidupku sedikit bersemangat. Tidak. Aku orang yang cepat bosan.
Jika saja aku punya kekuatan yang istimewa, seperti terbang, memiliki kekuatan pikiran atau melihat tembus pandang. Mungkin aku akan sedikit terhibur. Nyatanya tidak. Aku hanya manusia biasa yang dipenuhi mimpi-mimpi indah yang entah, apa akan terwujud atau tidak, —kuharap, ya — .
Aku memandang kehidupan ini seperti layaknya panggung drama. Aku bertindak sebagai penonton di jejeran bangku yang kosong, hanya ada aku seorang disana. Ya, hanya seorang diri, menatap panggung dunia itu dipenuhi oleh lautan manusia. Melihat berbagai macam tingkah dan emosi manusia di atas panggung itu, berperan sesuai perannya masing-masing. Dan aku hanya menatapnya. Diam dan tak bergerak. Mungkin sesekali terbawa emosi, menangis, tertawa, atau hanya sekedar termenung menyaksikan kejadian-kejadian itu.
Ada kalanya aku merasa bahwa apa yang aku lakukan bukanlah kemauanku sendiri, bukan kehendakku. Maksudku, seolah-olah hal itu berlawanan dengan apa yang ada dibenakku. Yah.. tepatnya seperti ada yang mengambil alih jiwa dan pikiranku. Dan ketika aku sadar bahwa itu bukan aku, maka aku seperti penonton yang tersadar dari bangku penonton, tersadar dari tidur pulasku. Dan tiba-tiba diam karena tersaput kebingungan yang datang bagaikan ombak yang tak bisa dicegah.
Huft... hidup itu menurut kalian itu seperti apa? Apakah seperti panggung drama layaknya sudut pandangku?
Hm... setiap manusia ingin menikmati hidup yang layak. Penuh kedamaian dan tak ada tipu daya. Tak bisa dipungkiri. Yah.. kalau kau tahu maksudku. =)
Jika saja aku punya uang yang tak terbatas, aku tak ingin hidup mewah, —mungkin sesekali terpikir, bagaimana rasanya dilayani oleh banyak pelayan yang patuh padamu, banyak pakaian indah, rumah besar dan mewah, tapi aku tak mau seperti itu, jujur saja, hanya sebatas angan-angan. Lagipula pajaknya terlalu besar. Hahahaha— . Aku ingin berpetualang dunia. Mengunjungi tiap-tiap tempat yang menarik tanpa mengalami kendala. Hanya menikmatinya. Menghirup udara yang sama di tempat berbeda. Itu saja. Pasti rasanya menarik. Pemandangan yang tak akan sama setiap saat dimatamu, serta perasaan unik yang tak akan kau dapatkan dua kali seumur hidup.
Yah... itu hanya sekedar salah satu mimpiku. Kurasa, bermimpi itu sesuatu yang menakjubkan!! Hey, kau tak usah mengeluarkan uang dari sakumu untuk bermimpi! So... bermimpilah jika kau memang ingin bermimpi akan satu hal. Tapi, ingat! Jangan sampai kau hanya terbuai oleh mimpi-mimpi indah itu tanpa berusaha mewujudkannya. Aku khawatir kau akan kecewa jika mimpimu tak terwujud. Maka... Berusahalah!
Kau tahu? Saat melihat video OneRepublic yang berjudul Secrets , kadang kala aku ingin seperti wanita itu, hanya duduk di sebuah kafe yang sunyi, termenung seorang diri. Tak berpikir apa-apa. Hanya ingin menikmati saat-saat sunyi itu, secangkir mocca mungkin akan menambah suasana damai itu.
Well... umurku sudah 20 tahun. Hahahaha. Tak kusangka akan berumur kepala dua. Rasanya waktu berlalu cepat. Jika ditanya soal kehidupan cintaku, mungkin aku hanya akan tertawa. Kenapa? Tak ada yang spesial. Dengan kata lain. Yah.. gitu, deh... —aku belum mau berkomitmen dengan siapapun. Entahlah... rasanya membosankan. Pastinya aku harap ada yang menemaniku untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupku di hari tua, tapi aku pikir tidak untuk saat ini. Mungkin waktunya belum tepat.—
Ada baiknya kalau kita membahas soal kegiatan sehari-hariku saja. Bagaimana?
Bulan ini cukup menyenangkan menurutku, walaupun uangku terkuras untuk membeli novel yang belum sempat kubaca. Ada 3 novel tepatnya. Judulnya Evernight oleh Claudia Gray, Ternyata Aku Sudah Islam oleh Damien Damatra, dan Need oleh Carrie Jones. Yah... sebenarnya masih ada satu lagi... Heretic oleh Sarah Singleton. Novel ini aku beli kira-kira bulan lalu. Tak ingat pasti. Tapi, aku baru membacanya bulan ini. =D
Aku suka membaca novel yang bertema dunia fantasy, seperti dunia peri, vampir, dll. Tapi, lebih suka lagi kalau novel itu tentang sci-fi. =)
Kisah-kisah semacam itu menurutku amat sangat menarik. Yah... aku juga masih suka tentang kisah yang lain. Seperti kisah bertema persaudaraan, sahabat dan sosial. Tapi, aku tidak terlalu suka pada kisah yang agak eksplisit. Entahlah...
Ouh! Aku lupa! Masih ada satu novel lagi! Aku lupa judulnya. = (
Aku baru membacanya beberapa halaman. Agak kurang tertarik. Mungkin karena gaya bahasanya, atau mungkin aku lagi tak punya waktu saat itu? Aku lupa,–aku ini memang pelupa berat--.
Aku ini penggemar komik Jepang, atau manga, tepatnya. Dua bulan ini aku merasa jenuh dengan hal-hal itu, bukan berarti aku tidak menyukainya. Tidak seperti itu, novel sepertinya sangat menarik bagiku saat ini ketimbang komik. Jadi.. aku jauh-jauh dengan hal itu, meski aku masih membelinya. Anehnya, aku malah membaca Manwha, komik korea. =(
Tapi... nggak begitu sering. Aku fokus pada novel saat ini. Tentunya novel terjemahan. Aku tak keberatan membaca novel lokal. Tapi, hanya segelintir tentunya. =D
Saat ini aku tengah memperbaiki bahasa inggrisku. Aku jurusan manajemen, —otomatis, mau tak mau harus belajar sendiri bahasa inggris, meski aku sempat mendapat pelajaran bahasa inggris juga di bangku kuliah. Tapi, itu tidak cukup bagiku.— materi yang kulahap pastinya tentang manajemen dan hal-hal berkaitan dengan itu. Jika tidak mempelajari bahasa inggris lagi, aku bakal tertinggal jauh.
Aku belajar dengan cara yang berbeda. Tidak seperti dibangku SMA yang harus menghapal kata-kata bahasa inggris, saat ini aku menerapkannya secara langsung, sehingga tak mudah hilang dari pikiranku. Mendengarkan musik sambil melatih pendengaran, meski aku mengintip liriknya dulu. XD
Biasanya, ketika aku mendapat satu kata yang baru, kata itu tidak akan hilang begitu saja, kata itu akan muncul terus menerus, entah itu di TV, lirik lagu, atau yang lainnya. Aku beruntung soal itu. Aku juga sering menonton film berbahasa inggris —kebetulan aku memang doyan akan hal ini! —, dan melatih pendengaranku serta menambah kosa kataku juga. Pastinya.
Oh, ya! Aku berencana akan memotong rambutku sebelum tahun baru tiba—aku harap terlaksana—, sebenarnya aku ingin memotongnya setelah Lebaran Idul Fitri dulu, well... karena adanya masalah invasi ketombe di kepalaku. Akupun mengurungkan niat. Hehehe.
Tapi! Sekarang sudah agak bersih, kok! Ini berkat saran dari seorang teman perkuliahanku. Makasih, ya, Agnes! =D
Aku ingin memotong rambutku, sebab sudah terlalu panjang. Mungkin, aku bakal jadi Rapunzel modern jika tak memotongnya. =)
Yah... itulah catatan isengku dikala bosan. Bagi yang sudah repot-repot membacanya terima kasih atas kunjungannya!!! Wish you luck today!!
Nb. Jika ada content yang menyinggung mohon dimaafkan! ^^
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
Alice Nine Lyrics, Twenty-Second Album
Alice Nine Lyrics, Twenty-Second Album

Spoiler for Hiden:
Saa hari wa zero wo sashita
Kakedasou beddo wa mujuuryoku
Samete wa kurenai ne kimi no koe, sayonara no otto
Surihetta rekkodo ga
Yasashiku omoide wo kanadeta
Saigo no kotoba dakara kirei nante
Kasunda kako wa namida no sei
When swan sings last song
The time for walk with you, I loved
Me ni utsuru mono wa yagate
Kawaru darou reigai wa nai ne
Taisetsudato kizuite kara nakusu koto me wo somuketeta
Kokoro no garasu marude
Supankoru no you ni kirameiteta
Hane wa nakute mo
Nani wo nakushite mo
Hodokeku ito e
Ima mo kogarete
When I sings your song
At end of the world, I loved
Mai ochita hanabira
Mou omokage mo nai ne
Kanashii uta ima no keshiki
Wasurenai you ni hoho wo nadeta
Senkou no you ni fukai ni yami nukete
Owaranai yume ni wakare wo tsugeru
Chiri yuku hibi mo
Mikansei na uta mo
Mirai wo kanade chihei wo koete
When swan sings last song
The time for walk with you, I loved
Come, the needle points at zero
Like breaking into a run, the bed feels weightless
You can't be awaken, your voice echos of goodbye
The worn out record
Played a gentle memory
Because it's the last words, it's beautiful
It's the fault of tears that yesterday got hazy
When the swan sings its last song
The time I walked with you, I loved
What's reflected in the eyes, soon
May probably change, i guess there's no exception
When i realised what's important, i avert my eyes away from the things i lost
The glass in the heart, is as if
Like a spangle glittering
Even without wings
Even if something's lost
I'm yearning for
The ties that came undone
When I sing your song
At the end of the world, I loved
The dancing petals that had fallen
Also doesnt leave a trace
A sad poem, the scenery of now
For the sake of not getting forgotten, they gently brushed my cheeks
Like a flashlight, escape from the abyss of darkness
From the dream that doesnt end, inform the departure
Of the days that disappeared as well
Even the unfinished poems
Play the future, cross over the baseline
When the swan sings its last song
The time I walked with you, I loved
Le Grand Bleu
Spoiler for Hiden:
Nigiri shimeta yume tobi tatte iku wataridori
Suiheisen wa ima mo boku tachi no kadode wo iwatteru
Ooki na ko wo egaite hajimari no kane ga nari hibiku
Furi mukeba kasumu ao
(At the end of sadness)
Koware sou na kokoro itami kakaete mo kimi no koe ga todoita nara
(At the chain of echoes)
Donna kurayami mo koete yukeru kara hitori janai to oshiete kureta
Dakara aruite yukeru
Daremo kizutsuke takunai kara
Shirazu shirazu (ni) kizutsuketeru jibun wo
Tsuyoku hakanai hito ni akogarete koko made kita kedo
Tooku made. Mada tarinai
(At the tide of stars)
Negaitte iu oto wa ima mo nari tsuzuke toki no MELODY kanade teku
(At the tide of melodies)
Kimi ga kimi no mama koko ni ireru youni tsutanai kotoba mo tsumuide yuku yo
Omoi no saki he to
Toki ni shizumi kanashii toki wa nakebaii
Fuita namida no ato ni hikaru ashita ga aru
Kyoumei shiteku omoi nakushite kita mono, sore ijou ni
Mezasu no wa takaki ao
(At the end of sadness)
Sarare no saki made nageta sai wa mou ginga no youna umi no hate
(At the chain of echoes)
Donna kanashimi mo wakachiaeru koto Shirareta toki hora, karuku nattaro ?
Dakara aruite yukeru.
The dreams i held, like the migratory birds that took off
At the horizon, even now, we celebrate our departure
Draw a large arc, our starting bell is resounding
Turn around, it's our overshadowed immaturity
(At the end of sadness)
The heart that's about to break, hold on to the pain, if your voice can reach
(At the chain of echoes)
I was taught, if I'm not alone, no matter what kind of darkness there is I can overcome them
That's why, walk ahead.
Because I don't want to hurt anyone
Unconsciously I hurt myself
I admire the ephermeral people, even though i've come this much
It's still far. It's still not enough
(At the tide of stars)
The wish for absolute sound, is still resounding, playing the melody of that time
(At the tide of melodies)
You, for the sake of becoming what you're now here, you've spun some clumsy words
To the destination of your thoughts
Sink in time, in times of sadness, just cry
After you wipe off the trails of tears, there's still a bright tommorrow
Sympathetic thoughts, the things lost, beyond all these
Get your aims high
(At the end of sadness)
The race to who first escapes the fate, It's like the milky way at the end of the ocean
(At the chain of echoes)
No matter what kind of sadness, when you share the things you know, see, don't you feel lighter ?
That's why, walk ahead.
Solar Eclipse
Spoiler for Hiden:
I hear the wind bell
Before the eclipse
Fusagi konda oborozuki (Landscape and Mindscape)
Wakari aitai nando demo
Kirei na kotoba de katazuke takunai
Kimi to kasanariaeta koto de
Shireta koto ga arunda
Ukeireru koto no imi oshietekureta
Boku wa kokoro no mama ni moete, ikite yuku
Kitakaze fuite mo hokoreru youni
Wakatta soburi sae mo rikou na furi mo
Hitsuyo nai kara tabibito ga ayunda youni
Hibana ga chitta furera reru no wo kobamu kokora kano youni
Tsuyogatte mise kizutsuki me wo somuketeru
Dakedo soba ni iru kara
Sutere ba suteru hodo kata wa karuku natte
Dakedo hitoshiku munashiku narunda
Arifureta kotoba toka uta ga chinpu na hodo
Kimisae ireba hokani kawaru mono wa nai noni
Tatoeba sukoshi gurai ikarete tatte ii darou
Narase (x2) fujouri na kono sekai de
Tsuki ga boku wo oou nara tsuyoku hikari hanatou
Nando datte sa soushite kita kara
Kakegae no nai mono wo tsukuru no osorete mo
Kotae wa nai yo dakara kono te wo tori Waratte
I hear the wind bell
Before the eclipse
The hazy moon in low spirits
I want to be able to understand, any number of times
Beautiful words do not clear things
Your overlapping things
There are things you discovered
I was taught the meaning of the things I received
As far as my heart goes, it burns, it lives
Even with the north wind blowing, like something that can be boasted
If only it's those that were understood, the shrewd pretense too
Because it's not needed, it's like travelers going on foot
The sparks scattered, like being rejected by all those that touched the heart
A strong establishment, I avert my eyes away from the wounds
But because you're by my side
Abandon all the things to your limit, let your shoulders become light
But they die off equally
Like the common words, the limit of a song's clichness
Even if it's just you, yet there's nothing else to take your place
For example I guess it's okay to be a little below the standard
Cry, cry out, this absurd world
Because the moon concealed me, i can give out a strong light
No matter how many times, because that's my identity
I'm also afraid of creating things that can't be replaced
There's no answer, that's why take this hand and smile
Namida no Aru Basho
Spoiler for Hiden:
Namida wa nagarete yuku yo kimi wo shirou to sureba suru hodo
Nani mo shiranai boku ni kigatsuku kara kokoro de sukoshi dake naku
Kimi to deaeta koto no kiseki, kagayaku you ni
Namida ga niji ni naru made
Chigazuke ba chikazuita dake tooku kanjiru kimi wo
Mada sagashiteru
Sunao ni narenai toki mo kawarazu ni hohoemu yokogao
Koe ni naranai negai soba ni itakute
Damatte kata dakishimeru
Nagare kieta kokoro no ame, mada setsunakute
Tsumetaku yozora ni futte
Tatoe nani ga okitemo kono negai wa samezuni
Zutto kimi to are
Kanashimi no riyuu nado nuri tsubuse ba ii kara
Kimi to deaeta koto e donna namae wo okurou
Kotoba ja katarenai kedo
Tsutaete yuku kimochi ga sekai tsunagete yuku koe yo
Kimi e todoite
Sing out inside of my tears
To the your smile again
The more I know about you, the more the tears flow
Because I was aware of myself that knows nothing, just a little I cried in my heart
The miracle of meeting with you, is as if it is shining
Until the tears transform to a rainbow
If I come closer I can only come a little closer, it feels distant
I'm still searching for you
When I can't be honest, I smiled unchanging from the side
The wish that can't be voiced, wanting to be by your side
Silently, I embrace my shoulders
The rain in my heart, fell and disappeared, it's still painful
Still cold, the night sky descends
Like no matter what happens, I don't want to be conscious of this wish
That you are always with me
The reasons for sadness, just coat them and shut them
The meeting with you, whatever name I give it
Even though I can't use words to say it
The feelings I want to convey, it's connected to the world, my voice is
Reaching out to you
Singing out inside my tears
To the your smile again
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/a/alice_nine/#share
Spoiler for Hiden:
Saa hari wa zero wo sashita
Kakedasou beddo wa mujuuryoku
Samete wa kurenai ne kimi no koe, sayonara no otto
Surihetta rekkodo ga
Yasashiku omoide wo kanadeta
Saigo no kotoba dakara kirei nante
Kasunda kako wa namida no sei
When swan sings last song
The time for walk with you, I loved
Me ni utsuru mono wa yagate
Kawaru darou reigai wa nai ne
Taisetsudato kizuite kara nakusu koto me wo somuketeta
Kokoro no garasu marude
Supankoru no you ni kirameiteta
Hane wa nakute mo
Nani wo nakushite mo
Hodokeku ito e
Ima mo kogarete
When I sings your song
At end of the world, I loved
Mai ochita hanabira
Mou omokage mo nai ne
Kanashii uta ima no keshiki
Wasurenai you ni hoho wo nadeta
Senkou no you ni fukai ni yami nukete
Owaranai yume ni wakare wo tsugeru
Chiri yuku hibi mo
Mikansei na uta mo
Mirai wo kanade chihei wo koete
When swan sings last song
The time for walk with you, I loved
Come, the needle points at zero
Like breaking into a run, the bed feels weightless
You can't be awaken, your voice echos of goodbye
The worn out record
Played a gentle memory
Because it's the last words, it's beautiful
It's the fault of tears that yesterday got hazy
When the swan sings its last song
The time I walked with you, I loved
What's reflected in the eyes, soon
May probably change, i guess there's no exception
When i realised what's important, i avert my eyes away from the things i lost
The glass in the heart, is as if
Like a spangle glittering
Even without wings
Even if something's lost
I'm yearning for
The ties that came undone
When I sing your song
At the end of the world, I loved
The dancing petals that had fallen
Also doesnt leave a trace
A sad poem, the scenery of now
For the sake of not getting forgotten, they gently brushed my cheeks
Like a flashlight, escape from the abyss of darkness
From the dream that doesnt end, inform the departure
Of the days that disappeared as well
Even the unfinished poems
Play the future, cross over the baseline
When the swan sings its last song
The time I walked with you, I loved
Le Grand Bleu
Spoiler for Hiden:
Nigiri shimeta yume tobi tatte iku wataridori
Suiheisen wa ima mo boku tachi no kadode wo iwatteru
Ooki na ko wo egaite hajimari no kane ga nari hibiku
Furi mukeba kasumu ao
(At the end of sadness)
Koware sou na kokoro itami kakaete mo kimi no koe ga todoita nara
(At the chain of echoes)
Donna kurayami mo koete yukeru kara hitori janai to oshiete kureta
Dakara aruite yukeru
Daremo kizutsuke takunai kara
Shirazu shirazu (ni) kizutsuketeru jibun wo
Tsuyoku hakanai hito ni akogarete koko made kita kedo
Tooku made. Mada tarinai
(At the tide of stars)
Negaitte iu oto wa ima mo nari tsuzuke toki no MELODY kanade teku
(At the tide of melodies)
Kimi ga kimi no mama koko ni ireru youni tsutanai kotoba mo tsumuide yuku yo
Omoi no saki he to
Toki ni shizumi kanashii toki wa nakebaii
Fuita namida no ato ni hikaru ashita ga aru
Kyoumei shiteku omoi nakushite kita mono, sore ijou ni
Mezasu no wa takaki ao
(At the end of sadness)
Sarare no saki made nageta sai wa mou ginga no youna umi no hate
(At the chain of echoes)
Donna kanashimi mo wakachiaeru koto Shirareta toki hora, karuku nattaro ?
Dakara aruite yukeru.
The dreams i held, like the migratory birds that took off
At the horizon, even now, we celebrate our departure
Draw a large arc, our starting bell is resounding
Turn around, it's our overshadowed immaturity
(At the end of sadness)
The heart that's about to break, hold on to the pain, if your voice can reach
(At the chain of echoes)
I was taught, if I'm not alone, no matter what kind of darkness there is I can overcome them
That's why, walk ahead.
Because I don't want to hurt anyone
Unconsciously I hurt myself
I admire the ephermeral people, even though i've come this much
It's still far. It's still not enough
(At the tide of stars)
The wish for absolute sound, is still resounding, playing the melody of that time
(At the tide of melodies)
You, for the sake of becoming what you're now here, you've spun some clumsy words
To the destination of your thoughts
Sink in time, in times of sadness, just cry
After you wipe off the trails of tears, there's still a bright tommorrow
Sympathetic thoughts, the things lost, beyond all these
Get your aims high
(At the end of sadness)
The race to who first escapes the fate, It's like the milky way at the end of the ocean
(At the chain of echoes)
No matter what kind of sadness, when you share the things you know, see, don't you feel lighter ?
That's why, walk ahead.
Solar Eclipse
Spoiler for Hiden:
I hear the wind bell
Before the eclipse
Fusagi konda oborozuki (Landscape and Mindscape)
Wakari aitai nando demo
Kirei na kotoba de katazuke takunai
Kimi to kasanariaeta koto de
Shireta koto ga arunda
Ukeireru koto no imi oshietekureta
Boku wa kokoro no mama ni moete, ikite yuku
Kitakaze fuite mo hokoreru youni
Wakatta soburi sae mo rikou na furi mo
Hitsuyo nai kara tabibito ga ayunda youni
Hibana ga chitta furera reru no wo kobamu kokora kano youni
Tsuyogatte mise kizutsuki me wo somuketeru
Dakedo soba ni iru kara
Sutere ba suteru hodo kata wa karuku natte
Dakedo hitoshiku munashiku narunda
Arifureta kotoba toka uta ga chinpu na hodo
Kimisae ireba hokani kawaru mono wa nai noni
Tatoeba sukoshi gurai ikarete tatte ii darou
Narase (x2) fujouri na kono sekai de
Tsuki ga boku wo oou nara tsuyoku hikari hanatou
Nando datte sa soushite kita kara
Kakegae no nai mono wo tsukuru no osorete mo
Kotae wa nai yo dakara kono te wo tori Waratte
I hear the wind bell
Before the eclipse
The hazy moon in low spirits
I want to be able to understand, any number of times
Beautiful words do not clear things
Your overlapping things
There are things you discovered
I was taught the meaning of the things I received
As far as my heart goes, it burns, it lives
Even with the north wind blowing, like something that can be boasted
If only it's those that were understood, the shrewd pretense too
Because it's not needed, it's like travelers going on foot
The sparks scattered, like being rejected by all those that touched the heart
A strong establishment, I avert my eyes away from the wounds
But because you're by my side
Abandon all the things to your limit, let your shoulders become light
But they die off equally
Like the common words, the limit of a song's clichness
Even if it's just you, yet there's nothing else to take your place
For example I guess it's okay to be a little below the standard
Cry, cry out, this absurd world
Because the moon concealed me, i can give out a strong light
No matter how many times, because that's my identity
I'm also afraid of creating things that can't be replaced
There's no answer, that's why take this hand and smile
Namida no Aru Basho
Spoiler for Hiden:
Namida wa nagarete yuku yo kimi wo shirou to sureba suru hodo
Nani mo shiranai boku ni kigatsuku kara kokoro de sukoshi dake naku
Kimi to deaeta koto no kiseki, kagayaku you ni
Namida ga niji ni naru made
Chigazuke ba chikazuita dake tooku kanjiru kimi wo
Mada sagashiteru
Sunao ni narenai toki mo kawarazu ni hohoemu yokogao
Koe ni naranai negai soba ni itakute
Damatte kata dakishimeru
Nagare kieta kokoro no ame, mada setsunakute
Tsumetaku yozora ni futte
Tatoe nani ga okitemo kono negai wa samezuni
Zutto kimi to are
Kanashimi no riyuu nado nuri tsubuse ba ii kara
Kimi to deaeta koto e donna namae wo okurou
Kotoba ja katarenai kedo
Tsutaete yuku kimochi ga sekai tsunagete yuku koe yo
Kimi e todoite
Sing out inside of my tears
To the your smile again
The more I know about you, the more the tears flow
Because I was aware of myself that knows nothing, just a little I cried in my heart
The miracle of meeting with you, is as if it is shining
Until the tears transform to a rainbow
If I come closer I can only come a little closer, it feels distant
I'm still searching for you
When I can't be honest, I smiled unchanging from the side
The wish that can't be voiced, wanting to be by your side
Silently, I embrace my shoulders
The rain in my heart, fell and disappeared, it's still painful
Still cold, the night sky descends
Like no matter what happens, I don't want to be conscious of this wish
That you are always with me
The reasons for sadness, just coat them and shut them
The meeting with you, whatever name I give it
Even though I can't use words to say it
The feelings I want to convey, it's connected to the world, my voice is
Reaching out to you
Singing out inside my tears
To the your smile again
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/a/alice_nine/#share
Kamis, 09 Desember 2010
Alice Nine, Twenty-first album
Alice Nine, Twenty-first album
(BEST ALBUM) Alice Nine Complete Collection 2006-2009

---Not avaiable---
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
shishiza wa mata matataite kono chi ni namida wo ataeta
ano hi kara kono senaka wa katahane wo nakushita mama
yoru ga ake hoshiboshi kara no kioku wa usureteyuku
kono sora mo kono uta mo naze darou?
iro wo nakushi oto wo nakushi riaru janai
kimi no yume wa boku wo tsutsumi hoshi ni natte naritsuzuketeiru
hoshizora wa mata matataite kono chi wa namida wo tataete
kaketa toki wa hikari wo hanachi kimi no inai kono sekai wa 'gensou'
kimi no sei dayo mune ga itamu no wa
hahen wa ima mo sasatte
kono hana mo, ano tori mo, kaze mo, tsuki mo, toki wo tomete
me wo tojite mane wo shite mo munashikute
hai ni natta kimi wa totemo chiisakatta
wakaranai yo kono sekai wa kurutteita darou? yasuraka ni aa
hoshizora wa mata matataite kono chi wa namida wo tataete
kaketa toki wa hikari wo hanachi kimi no inai kono sekai wa 'gensou'
doredake tatsu darou, hoshi ga nagarete kara...
soshite kokode, kakinarasu darou kimi no kureta kono omoi wa 'eien'
ano hi kara kono senaka wa katahane wo nakushita mama
The constellation of Leo is twinkling again, bestowing this earth with tears
From that day onwards, this back has lost one side's wing
The day dawns, memories from the stars fade away
Even this sky, even this song, why?
Losing colour, losing sound, they're not real
Your dream enfolds me, it becomes a star that goes on resonating
The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears
The galloping time gives out light, this world without you is "fantasy"
Because of you, my heart is hurting
The splinters are still lodged there
Even this flower, even that bird, even the wind, even the moon; it stops time
Even if I close my eyes and make-believe, it's no use
You turned into ash, became so small
I don't understand, has this world gone mad? Peacefully, aaah
The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears
The galloping time gives out light, this world without you is "fantasy"
How much time will pass, because the stars are falling...
So here, thrumming, the affections you had given me are "forever"
From that day onwards, this back has lost one side's wing
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
asa ga kuru made tomoshita akari wa kaze ni mi wo yurashite
toosugita asu hikari ga hoshikute kyandoru wo mitsumeteta
fukasugiru yoru kodoku wa itsudemo sei no jikkan wo kureta
kotae wa nai kedo kokoro ni hikari wo tomosou
konjiki no joukei ga kuro wo asa ni nurikaeteyuku
kimi no mune ni ikiru tsuyosa wo sou tashika ni ataete
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
tsunaida yubisaki sae mamoritai yo sono koe mo yureta kami mo kono te de
riyuu wa nai to shite mo asu wa kimi ni
narihibiita mezame no koe wa takaraka de
shizukana kodou mune ni himete kono yoru wo akasou
tomoshita hikari wa kokoro no yami wo sotto terashite
amaku yureta veruvetto no heya de
rou wa tsuma wo tatete kizuato wo nokoshi
yuruyaka ni adeyaka ni dinaa wo
asa ga kuru made kogoeta karada wa nukumori wo sagashite
suberikonda shiatsu no sukima wa biroodo
konjiki no joukei ga kuro wo asa ni nurikaeteyuku
kimi no mune ni ikiru tsuyosa wo sou tashika ni ataete
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
tsunaida yubisaki sae mamoritai yo sono koe mo yureta kami mo kono te de
riyuu wa nai to shite mo asu wa kimi ni
kowaresouna zouka no bara wa azayaka de
terasareteitai akai yume ni kono heya wo someyou
tomoshita hikari wa kokoro no yami wo sotto terashite
Until the morning comes, the kindled light sways in the wind
The tomorrow that's too far away; wanting light, I stared at a candle
In the night that's too deep, loneliness always gave such a raw, true feeling
There's no answer, but in my heart, light is kindled
The golden scenery will repaint the blackness in the morning
Surely, in your chest, it'll give you the strength to live
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
I just want to protect the linked destination, even that voice, even that shaken hair, with this hand
Even if there's no reason; tomorrow, for you
The voice of awakening that had resounded is resonant
The quiet palpitation is hidden in my chest, it'll divulge this night
The kindled light softly illuminates the darkness in my heart
In the room of the sweetly swayed velvet
Wax bares its claws, leaving behind scars
Slowly, bewitchingly, the dinner party is...
Until the morning comes, the frozen body is searching for warmth
The gap between the sheets I slid into was velvet
The golden scenery will repaint the blackness in the morning
Surely, in your chest, it'll give you the strength to live
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
I just want to protect the linked destination, even that voice, even that shaken hair, with this hand
Even if there's no reason; tomorrow, for you
The artificial roses that seem to be destroyed are in brilliance
Wanting to be shined upon; In the red dream, this room will be dyed
The kindled light softly illuminates the darkness in my heart
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
yukkuri arukeba ii,
chotto bukiyou demo ii,
ima kimi to utaitainda
chippokena It's your song
itsumo, itsudatte sou sa, kenkashite kara kizuku
sora ga konna ni mabushii nante
kowaku wa nai sa donna asu demo yume wo miteta
shounentachi sae mo
mou nigeba wa nai tsukamitakute, tsukamenakute
kizudarake de aoi tori sagashiteta ne hitori kiri de
sadamerareta finale wa iranai
sou reeru wo hashigo ni kaete
waraeru hazu sa ima yori tashika ni
sou negatta sono hitomi nara
bukiyouna jyosou demo hashitte hashitte ikerusa
I believe myself & my best friends,and you
aru hi, kizuiteshimatta, ikashi, ikasareru hibi
itsuka nanika wo tsukamitoru hi made
kowaku wa nai sa donna asu demo yume wo miteta
shounentachi sae mo
mou nigeba wa nai tsukamitakute, tsukamenakute
kimi ga miteta kinsei e tsurete yuku yo te wo nobashite
yume kara sametara nani kara hanasou?
sou sekai wa bokura no mono sa
tokei wa kowashite kago wo aketara
yoake made gatari akasou
bukiyouna jyosou demo hashitte hashitte ikerusa
I believe myself & my best friends,and you
saite, kuchiteku hana mo
nakanai, mukuchina oumu mo
kitto, dokoka de, waratteru sa.
dakara, murishinakute ii,
koko de, kimi wo matteru yo. slowly,but surely and slowly
sadamerareta finale wa iranai
sou reeru wo hashigo ni kaete
waraeru hazu sa ima yori tashika ni
sou negatta sono hitomi nara
bukiyouna jyosou demo hashitte hashitte ikerusa
I believe myself & my best friends,and you
tomo ni, rokubanme no kimi to waraeru made koko de utau yo
It's alright to walk slowly,
It's alright to be a bit clumsy,
Right now I want to sing with you
It's a small song for you
I see that always, at any time, I became aware from our quarrelling
How dazzling the sky is
Without fear, no matter what sort of tomorrow, I saw my dreams
And so did the boys
Already, there's nowhere to escape to; I wanted to grasp it, I couldn't grasp it
Covered in wounds, I was searching for the blue bird alone
It's been decided, the finale isn't needed
So the rail changes into a ladder
I expect I'll be able to smile, even more certainly than now
So I wished, if it was that pair of eyes
Although it's a clumsy starting run, walking, I'm able to walk on
I believe myself & my best friends, and you
One day, I realized that in the days that I was living, that were made use of
Someday, until the day when I grasp something
Without fear, no matter what sort of tomorrow, I saw my dreams
And so did the boys
Already, there's nowhere to escape to; I wanted to grasp it, I couldn't grasp it
I'll bring us to bring us to the Venus that you were looking at, reach out your hand
If I awake from the dream, what will I speak from?
So the world is ours
If I break the clock and open the cage
Until daybreak, words will be revealed
Although it's a clumsy starting run, walking, I'm able to walk on
I believe myself & my best friends, and you
Even the flower that bloomed, and withered
Even the reticent parrot that made no sound
Surely, somewhere, they're smiling.
Because of that, it's alright not to do the impossible
Here, I'm waiting for you. slowly, but surely and slowly
It's been decided, the finale isn't needed
So the rail changes into a ladder
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
kimi no kureta haru no hibi wa
kaori wa sono mama de mawaru yo
ienai kotoba wo oite
shizuka ni yasashiku yorisoi futari dake no houseki wo miteta
kokoro wa doushite itande nakushita mono bakari hoshigaru?
aishikata mo shirazu ni tada kimi wo kizutsuke
dore dake no imi wo boku wa naseru darou
kimi no soba de kimi no soba de uta wo utawasete kurenai ka
yozora no gosenfu no ue
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wo kanadete yuku yo
ano toki ienai kotoba wa doko e itte kaetta no darou
dokoka de waratte kuretara sore de ii to omoeru ima wa
kono harukana daichi ni okizari ni shita kotoba
te wo hiki, yuku yo iki wo kirashi asu e
hitomi tojite kimi no kureta SPADE no piasu wo nigitta
kono mama yami ni ochite yuku
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wa kanaderu towa ni
kimi no soba de kimi no soba de uta wo utawasete kurenai ka
yozora no gosenfu no ue
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wo kanadete yuku yo
hikari wa maru de houseki no you ni
ikue no omoi wo utsushita
kimi no kureta haru no hibi wa
ima mo boku no mune de kagayaku
sore ga kimi to no akashi
The spring days that you had brought to me
Their scent still lingers in that same way
Leaving behind the words that couldn't be said
Gently cuddling close together in the quietness, we were looking at the jewel that belonged to only the two of us
Why is my heart hurting? Am I just wishing for something that I've lost?
Without knowing how to love, I only hurt you
How much meaning have I been able to build up?
By your side, by your side, will you let me sing a song for you?
On the musical score in the night sky
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out *
The words that couldn't be said at that time, I guess they go somewhere, and return
Somewhere, if you're smiling for me - now, I'm able to think that it's good enough
The words left behind on this faraway earth
Take me by the hand and lead me, breathless, to tomorrow
I close my eyes, and grasped the spade earring that you had given me
Like this, I fall into darkness
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played, forever
By your side, by your side, will you let me sing a song for you?
On the musical score in the night sky
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out
Like a jewel, the light
Reflected a myriad of thoughts
The spring days that you had brought to me
Even now, they sparkle in my heart
They're the proof of having been with you
Translator's Note:
*"Play" as in the playing of music.
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
so many lies, so much pain. miminari wa tomaranai
hitori no yoru no oto ga shizuka de
searching for Raison d'etre. hakushi no hitonami ni
gokusai no penki wo mochi aruku
itsukaraka nani mo kanjinaku natta
And cry, with love wasureteru hazu sa
guree ni somatta sekai ga riaru janai to
nemutte mo nemutte mo asa wa konai kara
ima kono te de kagi wo akeyou
black or white, jewel or stone.
muryokusa ga itoshikute
muryoku nara dareka wo motomeru kara
Please save me, with a white rose. itami wo wakeaeru,
sou dekiru tsuyosa ga hoshii
"kitaisuru koto wo wasureta kimi e"
And cry, with love dakara tsutaetai
kanashii uta mo kesshite mudajanai to
nemutte mo nemutte mo asa wa konai kara
ima kono te de kagi wo akeyou
doredake iro wo kasanete mo
somaru koto no nai ore de iyou
And cry, with love wasureteru hazu sa
guree ni somatta sekai ga riaru janai to
nemutte mo nemutte mo asa wa konai kara
ima kono te de kagi wo akeyou
so many lies, so much pain. The ringing in my ears doesn't stop
The sounds of a lonely night reside in silence
searching for Raison d'etre*. In the blank sheet of humanity
Carrying the most richly-coloured paint, I walk
Since when did I stop feeling anything?
And cry, with love We're sure to forget
That the world which was dyed grey isn't real
Even if we keep sleeping and sleeping, morning doesn't come, so
Now, with this hand, let's turn the key
black or white, jewel or stone.
Helplessness is endearing
Because if you're helpless, you can wish for someone
Please save me, with a white rose. The pain can be shared,
I want the strength to be able to do that
"To you, who has forgotten what you were anticipating"
And cry, with love So I want to tell you
Even the sad songs are never useless
Even if we keep sleeping and sleeping, morning doesn't come, so
Now, with this hand, let's turn the key
No matter how much the colours pile up
I'll stay the way I am, undyed
And cry, with love We're sure to forget
That the world which was dyed grey isn't real
Even if we keep sleeping and sleeping, morning doesn't come, so
Now, with this hand, let's turn the key
Translator's Note:
*"Raison d'etre", correctly written as "Raison d'être". When translated from French, it literally means "reason to be" and can be interpreted as "reason for existence".
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine./Shiraishi Satori
Arrangement: alice nine./Shiraishi Satori
Are you ready to change yourself?
Are you flying like you want to?
kimi ga ima negai egakidasu miraizu
Please show me your weakness,
I want to know your everything.
-jiyuu- sono hana wo sakasu tame habatake
sekai ga nagareteku onaji rizumu de crying in sorrow.
kanousei shika iranai nani ga dekiru ka sa
kimi wo nosete hashitte yuku tatoe kizutsuita tsubasa demo
nemuru mae ni yume ni miteta ashita he kimi no TSUBASA ni narou
I'll be there...
Does daydreaming satisfy you?
Reality comes from your sensibility
utsuriyuku naka de kawaranai omoi he
I've made up my mind,
To stand on my own two feet.
itami sae daite mamoru tame utau yo
sugisaru hito no nami kawaku kokoro ga crying in sorrow.
kirei koto da to shite mo doko he toberu ka sa
yume no kakera hiroiatsume boku ga kimi no tame dekiru koto
itsu no hi ni ka kiekaketeta kokoro no akari wo tomosu kara
I'll be there...
sekai ga nagareteku onaji rizumu de crying in sorrow.
kanousei shika iranai nani ga dekiru ka sa
kimi wo nosete hashitte yuku tatoe kizutsuita tsubasa demo
todokanakute miageteita ashita he kimi no TSUBASA ni narou
I'll be there...
Are you ready to change yourself?
Are you flying like you want to?
You make a wish now, the picture of the future that you sketch out
Please show me your weakness,
I want to know your everything.
To make that flower called -freedom- bloom, flap your wings
The world is flowing, in the same rhythm crying in sorrow.
You only need a possibility, what can you achieve?
I'll carry you and run, even if your wings are hurt
Towards the tomorrow that you saw in a dream before falling asleep, I'll become your wings
I'll be there...
Does daydreaming satisfy you?
Reality comes from your sensibility
To the thoughts that don't change in the midst of transformation
I've made up my mind,
To stand on my own two feet.
I embrace even the pain, I'm singing to protect you
In the passing wave of people, your dried heart crying in sorrow.
Even if it's a beautiful thing, where can you fly to?
I gather the fragments of your dream, it's something I can do for you
Because someday, I'll rekindle the light in your heart that had started disappearing
I'll be there...
The world is flowing, in the same rhythm crying in sorrow.
You only need a possibility, what can you achieve?
I'll carry you and run, even if your wings are hurt
Towards the tomorrow that you couldn't reach and were looking up at, I'll become your wings
I'll be there...
Cosmic world
Produce: Shiraishi Satori, alice nine.
Programming: Hiroto
monokuro na shikku na fuku de iwareru mama mae naraede
sameteiru furi no kimi mo rokudogofun no netsu wo motteru
hoshiboshi sae kagayakanai kumori zora de in the starless night
chuu ni ukabi fuwari kieta omohitachi I feel cosmic world
toushindai, shin kokyuu kara ni ireta chikara wo nuite kuchizusamu yo
tsunaideyuku merodii kono sora (uchuu) e nerai wo sadamete todoke, kimi e to!
owari no nai tabiji e tobidashita bukiyou na kimi de mo sora (uchuu) wo tsukamitoreru
waraezu ni tachitomatteta kounotori wa yume wo miteta
takaraka ni ubugoe age mushoku no sora tobitatsu made
heddofon no sukima kara kikoete kita in the starless night
natsukashikute najimi bukai kimi no koe I feel cosmic world
tsutaetai kotoba hodo ienaku naru no wa wakatteta dakara ikou?
nijyuuyo ji no chaimu ga naru koro wa neon wo tobikoe haruka tooku e
aobikari no raito ni terasareta bokura no butai wa tsuki no shita no wandaarando
kono kumo no mukou ni ikusen no hi ga tomoru
yozora wo oyoide wakusei mo oitsukenai haruka kanata e
tsunaideyuku merodii kono sora (uchuu) e nerai wo sadamete todoke, kimi e to!
owari no nai tabiji e tobidashita bukiyou na kimi dakara issho ni aruite yukou
cosmic world
Wearing monochrome chic clothes, it's been said before
Even you who are acting cold is holding some warmth
In the cloudy night where even the stars don't shine in the starless night
The thoughts that floated gently in the air and disappeared I feel cosmic world
It's life-sized, I take a deep breath and release the power put in my shoulders, singing to myself
The melody that will tie us flies in this sky, it takes aim and reaches you!
We flew out on an unending journey, even if you're clumsy, you can take hold of the sky
I stood still without a smile, I saw a stork in my dream
Giving its first cry loudly, until it flew off in the colourless sky
From the corner of my headphones I could hear it in the starless night
I miss your familiar voice I feel cosmic world
I understand that you can't even say the things you want to tell me, so let's go?
The place where the 24 o'clock chime rings, fly across the neon, towards far away
Lit by a bluish sheen, our stage is the wonderland under the moon
Beyond this cloud, thousands of lights are lighted
Swim in the night sky, towards far away where you can't overtake any planets
The melody that will tie us flies in this sky, it takes aim and reaches you!
We flew out on an unending journey, because you're clumsy, let's run together
ブループラネット—Blue Planet
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
houkiboshi ga, yukisaki wo yubisashite egakareta WONDER PLANET
Suddenly, necessarily, I began to find yourself.
Feel me, come with us, The night sky is shinning in the blue planet.
But the space is vast, I don't look away from your eyes.
You don't need to worry!
kimi to iu taiyou ga moeru kara boku wa ikiteiru
I will not regret, No matter what might happen from now on.
I will not regret, No matter what you wish, what you hope.
In the blue planet.
doushite todokanai konna ni hashitteru no ni
nagai nagai ginga tetsudou ni notte
ama no kawa sae mo senro no michishirube ni natte kimi wo oikaketeru
Anytime, anywhere, I think about you.
aoi hoshi de kimi wo mitsuketa yo
houkiboshi ga yukusaki wo yubisashite yondekureta kara
koukai wa nai yo. nani ga okite, nani wo nakushite mo.
tatoe ashita ga nakutatte, aoi hoshi de mata meguriaou? blue planet.
aoi hoshi de
The comet points out the destination, the WONDER PLANET that was depicted
Suddenly, necessarily, I began to find yourself.
Feel me, come with us, The night sky is shinning in the blue planet.
But the space is vast, I don't look away from your eyes.
You don't need to worry!
Because you're the sun that burns, that's why I'm living
I will not regret, No matter what might happen from now on.
I will not regret, No matter what you wish, what you hope.
In the blue planet.
Why can't I reach it, though I'm running in this way
I board the long, lengthy Milky Way railroad
And the rivers of the sky become the signposts on the railway tracks, chasing after you
Anytime, anywhere, I think about you.
On the blue star, I found you
The comet points out the destination, because it calls for me
There's no regret. No matter what happens, no matter what is lost.
Even if there's no tomorrow, I guess we'll meet again on the blue star? blue planet.
On the blue star
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
taezu kurikashita hide&seek
hikari to yami no kousa ga
kimi to boku no kyoukaisen
senbiki, futari wo hedateta
nijinda eye liner kuroi namida wo otosu
hitomi ni utsuru hikari sora e tsuzuku stairway
tsuki no hikari wa kokoro wo somete kono yubi wo hodokete
eien sae mo iroaseru nara kono toki (isshun) wo todomete
asai nemuri ni yose egaku
yume to sou no e no gu de
sonna bokura no dance floor
kasanaru tsuki wa mirror ball
negai yo hoshi (ryuusei) dewa naku douka kimi e todoite
daremo ga hitori naraba bokura deawanakatta
kagami no naka wa hoshikuzu no ame mata mawaru kisetsu e
hikari wa yagate kako kara asu (mirai) e dakara ima wa sayounara.
kanashimi no rensa ni kasuresaseta kotoba wa anata no name wo yobi, chuu ni matta ne
I'm still calling sora ga nigoru kegareta hane de ima wo kakenukete yuku
doredake toki ga sugi, namida wa kareteite mo kono uta wa karezu ni
kanadete yukeru darou ka? sono toki wa soba ni ite hoshii to negau kara
tsuki no hikari wa yagate kiete mo zutto soko ni aru kara
kawaru koto naku kimi wo terasou yume wo egaku epiroogu
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
dokoka de kizutsuite mo, tsuki yoi miageteiru noraneko mo kitto onaji sa
Hide and seek repeated endlessly
It's the intersection of light and dark
The boundary line of you and me
The line is drawn, and separated two people
The eye liner that ran, it made black tears fall
Light that reflects in the eye, the stairway that continues to the sky
The light of the moon dyes my heart, this finger is untied
If even eternity fades, stop this moment
In shallow sleep, gather and paint
Using tools of pictures of dreams and thoughts
Our dance floor is like that
The overlapping moon is a mirror ball
My wish isn't a shooting star, please let it reach you
If everyone is alone, we wouldn't have met
It's a rain of stardust in the mirror, towards the revolving seasons once again
Before long, light will go from the past to the future, so goodbye for now.
The words made hoarse in the chain of sadness, they called out your name, danced in the air
I'm still calling The sky clouds, with dirtied wings, go on and run through now
Will this song be able to play without withering
No matter how much time passes, how much tears dry up? Because I wish to be by your side at that time
Even if the light of the moon disappears over time, because it will always be there
Without changing, it will shine on you, the epilogue painted in the dream
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
Surely, even the stray cat that is injured somewhere and gazing up at the moonlit night, is the same
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
mayonaka monokurona fuukei
negatta gokusaishiki no shinshou
hirogaru hodo irozuiteku kujaku no hane no you
mekuru mekuru hikari no MAGIC mugen no rasen e
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
mezameyou yume kara sameru yume
saa yukou gozen niji no kakumei
mieru mono ga shinjitsu nara naze namida wa aru?
nagareochiru kokoro no ura soko de boku wa utaou
koe wo tsumuideyuku kimi e todoku youni
yoake mae ni mezame no kane wo narase
Ready,Go toki wo kakete Through the dark ima, tobitate
moeru youna tairin no hana kimi to sakasou
neon no kakuteru gurasu goshi no sekai
kimi to boku wa tabuu hoka no mono wa iranai
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
tsukaisuteta PROFILE
ataerareta namae wa " "
Midnight, monochrome scenery
The richly coloured image I wished for
The colours spread out like the feathers of a peacock
Going round and round, the magic of light, towards the spiral of fantasy
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound and surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
Let's wake up, the dream that awakens from a dream
Come on let's go, the 2:00AM revolution
If what you can see is reality, why are there tears?
On the back of your crying heart, I'll be singing there
Weave my voice, as if you reach you
Ring the bell of awakening before daybreak
Ready,Go Soar through time Through the dark Now, take flight
A large flower that seems to be burning, it'll bloom with you
A cocktail of neon, a world through the glass
You and I are partners in crime, we don't need anything else
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound, surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
The profile that was used and thrown away
The name it was given is " "
The beautiful name
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
seijaku no yoru wo koete wakachiaeru mono ga aru
dakara ima te wo sashinobe kago no naka wo mitsumeteru
kaze wa hanayaka ni haru no shirabe wo kanade
sekai no owari de sagashiteita
taisetsuna mono wa tada, hitotsu.
onsoku wo koete tokeaeba, hora
toki sae mo hitsuyou nai sa
bokutachi wa arukitsuzuke toki ni mayoi, sure chigau.
dakara ima uta wo okurou hodoketa ito tsumugu you ni
ginga wa kagayaite kokoro wo uchinuku
tobe, azayaka ni
taiyou no aosa tenshi no pareedo
kawarazu ni itai kono omoi
onaji fuukei ni piano wo nosete
mata koko de, kimi ni aitai
kanau nara negawasete kure
wasurete shimau mae ni
ikutsumo no meguriai no naka de
ima, kimi no na wo yobou
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
sekai no owari de sagashiteita mono wa
owaranai ashita e no sanka
nakushita kakera wo umeawasu you ni
ima, koko de kimi no na wo yobou
hanarete mo dokoka no kimi e
the beautiful name
Surpass the silent night, there are things to be shared
So stretch out your hand now, staring at the middle of the cage
The wind gayly plays the melody of spring
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The one and only precious thing.
Surpass the speed of sound, if we can melt and come together, look
We don't even need time
We keep walking and get lost in time, we pass each other.
So I'll give you a song now, like spinning the thread that had come untied
The milky way is sparkling, it pierces our hearts
Take a leap into the brilliance
The blue of the sun, the parade of the angels
I want these thoughts to stay unchanged
Playing the piano in the same scenery
I want to meet you here again
If it comes true, let me wish
Before I forget
In our many encounters
Now, I'll call out your name
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The song of praise for the unending tomorrow
As if to make up for the lost fragments
Here and now, I'll call out your name
Even if we're separated, it goes towards you somewhere
華 [hae・ne]
Lyrics: Shou
Music: Alice Nine.
Arrangement: Alice Nine.
hanabira wo ukabete kokyuu wo tomete
yokusou ni wa oto mo todokanai
sugisatta genjitsu namida to tomo ni
shizumeteiku awa no naka e
sayonara wa yurameku suisai no hate e
tsuki ga nemuru yoru wa hoshi mo nakute
yume no hana chiru nara mirai ni soeyou
tsubomi no mama de ii saku koto negau nara
chou ga mau shinkirou himitsu wo daite
kiri no youna tooi yakusoku
kinou to ashita to futashikana ima
kimi no moto e maware merii goo rando
todokanai omoi wa binsen to tomo ni
itsuka todoku hazu sa iikikasete
furueteta kuchibiru kotoba wo tsutaete
tashikana mono hitotsu itoshii kioku dake
azayakana kisetsu ga irodori wo soeru
hikari sasu hou e kakenukete
kotoba ni denai omoi ga aru nara
uta wo kanade okurou kokoro wo sakaseyou
I float the petals and stop breathing
The sound doesn't even reach the bathtub
Together with tears, the reality that has passed
Is sinking into the midst of the bubbles
Goodbye wavers, to the end of water colours*
In the night where the moon sleeps, there are no stars either
If the flower of dreams falls, lets draw closer to the future
If you wish to bloom, remaining as a bud is fine
The mirage where butterflies dance holds a secret
The faraway secret like a mist
Yesterday, today and the uncertain now
The merry-go-round that revolves towards where you are
Together with the letter, the thoughts that we can't reach
We're sure to reach them someday, I remind myself
The lips that were trembling conveyed the words
The only one thing I can be sure of are the beloved memories
The vivid season is coloured in
Run through towards where the light shines
If there are thoughts that you can't say as words
I'll give them to you in song, let's make your heart bloom
Translator's Note:
*"water colours": The word "suisai" actually means "watercolours", as in the type you paint pictures with. Here, he is using it to refer to the colours of the water in the bathtub.
Nb. not avaiable in japanese writing
(BEST ALBUM) Alice Nine Complete Collection 2006-2009

---Not avaiable---
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
shishiza wa mata matataite kono chi ni namida wo ataeta
ano hi kara kono senaka wa katahane wo nakushita mama
yoru ga ake hoshiboshi kara no kioku wa usureteyuku
kono sora mo kono uta mo naze darou?
iro wo nakushi oto wo nakushi riaru janai
kimi no yume wa boku wo tsutsumi hoshi ni natte naritsuzuketeiru
hoshizora wa mata matataite kono chi wa namida wo tataete
kaketa toki wa hikari wo hanachi kimi no inai kono sekai wa 'gensou'
kimi no sei dayo mune ga itamu no wa
hahen wa ima mo sasatte
kono hana mo, ano tori mo, kaze mo, tsuki mo, toki wo tomete
me wo tojite mane wo shite mo munashikute
hai ni natta kimi wa totemo chiisakatta
wakaranai yo kono sekai wa kurutteita darou? yasuraka ni aa
hoshizora wa mata matataite kono chi wa namida wo tataete
kaketa toki wa hikari wo hanachi kimi no inai kono sekai wa 'gensou'
doredake tatsu darou, hoshi ga nagarete kara...
soshite kokode, kakinarasu darou kimi no kureta kono omoi wa 'eien'
ano hi kara kono senaka wa katahane wo nakushita mama
The constellation of Leo is twinkling again, bestowing this earth with tears
From that day onwards, this back has lost one side's wing
The day dawns, memories from the stars fade away
Even this sky, even this song, why?
Losing colour, losing sound, they're not real
Your dream enfolds me, it becomes a star that goes on resonating
The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears
The galloping time gives out light, this world without you is "fantasy"
Because of you, my heart is hurting
The splinters are still lodged there
Even this flower, even that bird, even the wind, even the moon; it stops time
Even if I close my eyes and make-believe, it's no use
You turned into ash, became so small
I don't understand, has this world gone mad? Peacefully, aaah
The starry sky is twinkling again, this earth is exalted with tears
The galloping time gives out light, this world without you is "fantasy"
How much time will pass, because the stars are falling...
So here, thrumming, the affections you had given me are "forever"
From that day onwards, this back has lost one side's wing
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
asa ga kuru made tomoshita akari wa kaze ni mi wo yurashite
toosugita asu hikari ga hoshikute kyandoru wo mitsumeteta
fukasugiru yoru kodoku wa itsudemo sei no jikkan wo kureta
kotae wa nai kedo kokoro ni hikari wo tomosou
konjiki no joukei ga kuro wo asa ni nurikaeteyuku
kimi no mune ni ikiru tsuyosa wo sou tashika ni ataete
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
tsunaida yubisaki sae mamoritai yo sono koe mo yureta kami mo kono te de
riyuu wa nai to shite mo asu wa kimi ni
narihibiita mezame no koe wa takaraka de
shizukana kodou mune ni himete kono yoru wo akasou
tomoshita hikari wa kokoro no yami wo sotto terashite
amaku yureta veruvetto no heya de
rou wa tsuma wo tatete kizuato wo nokoshi
yuruyaka ni adeyaka ni dinaa wo
asa ga kuru made kogoeta karada wa nukumori wo sagashite
suberikonda shiatsu no sukima wa biroodo
konjiki no joukei ga kuro wo asa ni nurikaeteyuku
kimi no mune ni ikiru tsuyosa wo sou tashika ni ataete
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
tsunaida yubisaki sae mamoritai yo sono koe mo yureta kami mo kono te de
riyuu wa nai to shite mo asu wa kimi ni
kowaresouna zouka no bara wa azayaka de
terasareteitai akai yume ni kono heya wo someyou
tomoshita hikari wa kokoro no yami wo sotto terashite
Until the morning comes, the kindled light sways in the wind
The tomorrow that's too far away; wanting light, I stared at a candle
In the night that's too deep, loneliness always gave such a raw, true feeling
There's no answer, but in my heart, light is kindled
The golden scenery will repaint the blackness in the morning
Surely, in your chest, it'll give you the strength to live
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
I just want to protect the linked destination, even that voice, even that shaken hair, with this hand
Even if there's no reason; tomorrow, for you
The voice of awakening that had resounded is resonant
The quiet palpitation is hidden in my chest, it'll divulge this night
The kindled light softly illuminates the darkness in my heart
In the room of the sweetly swayed velvet
Wax bares its claws, leaving behind scars
Slowly, bewitchingly, the dinner party is...
Until the morning comes, the frozen body is searching for warmth
The gap between the sheets I slid into was velvet
The golden scenery will repaint the blackness in the morning
Surely, in your chest, it'll give you the strength to live
I cannot wait for the morning. Because no one wants solitude.
I just want to protect the linked destination, even that voice, even that shaken hair, with this hand
Even if there's no reason; tomorrow, for you
The artificial roses that seem to be destroyed are in brilliance
Wanting to be shined upon; In the red dream, this room will be dyed
The kindled light softly illuminates the darkness in my heart
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
yukkuri arukeba ii,
chotto bukiyou demo ii,
ima kimi to utaitainda
chippokena It's your song
itsumo, itsudatte sou sa, kenkashite kara kizuku
sora ga konna ni mabushii nante
kowaku wa nai sa donna asu demo yume wo miteta
shounentachi sae mo
mou nigeba wa nai tsukamitakute, tsukamenakute
kizudarake de aoi tori sagashiteta ne hitori kiri de
sadamerareta finale wa iranai
sou reeru wo hashigo ni kaete
waraeru hazu sa ima yori tashika ni
sou negatta sono hitomi nara
bukiyouna jyosou demo hashitte hashitte ikerusa
I believe myself & my best friends,and you
aru hi, kizuiteshimatta, ikashi, ikasareru hibi
itsuka nanika wo tsukamitoru hi made
kowaku wa nai sa donna asu demo yume wo miteta
shounentachi sae mo
mou nigeba wa nai tsukamitakute, tsukamenakute
kimi ga miteta kinsei e tsurete yuku yo te wo nobashite
yume kara sametara nani kara hanasou?
sou sekai wa bokura no mono sa
tokei wa kowashite kago wo aketara
yoake made gatari akasou
bukiyouna jyosou demo hashitte hashitte ikerusa
I believe myself & my best friends,and you
saite, kuchiteku hana mo
nakanai, mukuchina oumu mo
kitto, dokoka de, waratteru sa.
dakara, murishinakute ii,
koko de, kimi wo matteru yo. slowly,but surely and slowly
sadamerareta finale wa iranai
sou reeru wo hashigo ni kaete
waraeru hazu sa ima yori tashika ni
sou negatta sono hitomi nara
bukiyouna jyosou demo hashitte hashitte ikerusa
I believe myself & my best friends,and you
tomo ni, rokubanme no kimi to waraeru made koko de utau yo
It's alright to walk slowly,
It's alright to be a bit clumsy,
Right now I want to sing with you
It's a small song for you
I see that always, at any time, I became aware from our quarrelling
How dazzling the sky is
Without fear, no matter what sort of tomorrow, I saw my dreams
And so did the boys
Already, there's nowhere to escape to; I wanted to grasp it, I couldn't grasp it
Covered in wounds, I was searching for the blue bird alone
It's been decided, the finale isn't needed
So the rail changes into a ladder
I expect I'll be able to smile, even more certainly than now
So I wished, if it was that pair of eyes
Although it's a clumsy starting run, walking, I'm able to walk on
I believe myself & my best friends, and you
One day, I realized that in the days that I was living, that were made use of
Someday, until the day when I grasp something
Without fear, no matter what sort of tomorrow, I saw my dreams
And so did the boys
Already, there's nowhere to escape to; I wanted to grasp it, I couldn't grasp it
I'll bring us to bring us to the Venus that you were looking at, reach out your hand
If I awake from the dream, what will I speak from?
So the world is ours
If I break the clock and open the cage
Until daybreak, words will be revealed
Although it's a clumsy starting run, walking, I'm able to walk on
I believe myself & my best friends, and you
Even the flower that bloomed, and withered
Even the reticent parrot that made no sound
Surely, somewhere, they're smiling.
Because of that, it's alright not to do the impossible
Here, I'm waiting for you. slowly, but surely and slowly
It's been decided, the finale isn't needed
So the rail changes into a ladder
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
kimi no kureta haru no hibi wa
kaori wa sono mama de mawaru yo
ienai kotoba wo oite
shizuka ni yasashiku yorisoi futari dake no houseki wo miteta
kokoro wa doushite itande nakushita mono bakari hoshigaru?
aishikata mo shirazu ni tada kimi wo kizutsuke
dore dake no imi wo boku wa naseru darou
kimi no soba de kimi no soba de uta wo utawasete kurenai ka
yozora no gosenfu no ue
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wo kanadete yuku yo
ano toki ienai kotoba wa doko e itte kaetta no darou
dokoka de waratte kuretara sore de ii to omoeru ima wa
kono harukana daichi ni okizari ni shita kotoba
te wo hiki, yuku yo iki wo kirashi asu e
hitomi tojite kimi no kureta SPADE no piasu wo nigitta
kono mama yami ni ochite yuku
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wa kanaderu towa ni
kimi no soba de kimi no soba de uta wo utawasete kurenai ka
yozora no gosenfu no ue
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wo kanadete yuku yo
hikari wa maru de houseki no you ni
ikue no omoi wo utsushita
kimi no kureta haru no hibi wa
ima mo boku no mune de kagayaku
sore ga kimi to no akashi
The spring days that you had brought to me
Their scent still lingers in that same way
Leaving behind the words that couldn't be said
Gently cuddling close together in the quietness, we were looking at the jewel that belonged to only the two of us
Why is my heart hurting? Am I just wishing for something that I've lost?
Without knowing how to love, I only hurt you
How much meaning have I been able to build up?
By your side, by your side, will you let me sing a song for you?
On the musical score in the night sky
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out *
The words that couldn't be said at that time, I guess they go somewhere, and return
Somewhere, if you're smiling for me - now, I'm able to think that it's good enough
The words left behind on this faraway earth
Take me by the hand and lead me, breathless, to tomorrow
I close my eyes, and grasped the spade earring that you had given me
Like this, I fall into darkness
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played, forever
By your side, by your side, will you let me sing a song for you?
On the musical score in the night sky
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out
Like a jewel, the light
Reflected a myriad of thoughts
The spring days that you had brought to me
Even now, they sparkle in my heart
They're the proof of having been with you
Translator's Note:
*"Play" as in the playing of music.
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
so many lies, so much pain. miminari wa tomaranai
hitori no yoru no oto ga shizuka de
searching for Raison d'etre. hakushi no hitonami ni
gokusai no penki wo mochi aruku
itsukaraka nani mo kanjinaku natta
And cry, with love wasureteru hazu sa
guree ni somatta sekai ga riaru janai to
nemutte mo nemutte mo asa wa konai kara
ima kono te de kagi wo akeyou
black or white, jewel or stone.
muryokusa ga itoshikute
muryoku nara dareka wo motomeru kara
Please save me, with a white rose. itami wo wakeaeru,
sou dekiru tsuyosa ga hoshii
"kitaisuru koto wo wasureta kimi e"
And cry, with love dakara tsutaetai
kanashii uta mo kesshite mudajanai to
nemutte mo nemutte mo asa wa konai kara
ima kono te de kagi wo akeyou
doredake iro wo kasanete mo
somaru koto no nai ore de iyou
And cry, with love wasureteru hazu sa
guree ni somatta sekai ga riaru janai to
nemutte mo nemutte mo asa wa konai kara
ima kono te de kagi wo akeyou
so many lies, so much pain. The ringing in my ears doesn't stop
The sounds of a lonely night reside in silence
searching for Raison d'etre*. In the blank sheet of humanity
Carrying the most richly-coloured paint, I walk
Since when did I stop feeling anything?
And cry, with love We're sure to forget
That the world which was dyed grey isn't real
Even if we keep sleeping and sleeping, morning doesn't come, so
Now, with this hand, let's turn the key
black or white, jewel or stone.
Helplessness is endearing
Because if you're helpless, you can wish for someone
Please save me, with a white rose. The pain can be shared,
I want the strength to be able to do that
"To you, who has forgotten what you were anticipating"
And cry, with love So I want to tell you
Even the sad songs are never useless
Even if we keep sleeping and sleeping, morning doesn't come, so
Now, with this hand, let's turn the key
No matter how much the colours pile up
I'll stay the way I am, undyed
And cry, with love We're sure to forget
That the world which was dyed grey isn't real
Even if we keep sleeping and sleeping, morning doesn't come, so
Now, with this hand, let's turn the key
Translator's Note:
*"Raison d'etre", correctly written as "Raison d'être". When translated from French, it literally means "reason to be" and can be interpreted as "reason for existence".
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine./Shiraishi Satori
Arrangement: alice nine./Shiraishi Satori
Are you ready to change yourself?
Are you flying like you want to?
kimi ga ima negai egakidasu miraizu
Please show me your weakness,
I want to know your everything.
-jiyuu- sono hana wo sakasu tame habatake
sekai ga nagareteku onaji rizumu de crying in sorrow.
kanousei shika iranai nani ga dekiru ka sa
kimi wo nosete hashitte yuku tatoe kizutsuita tsubasa demo
nemuru mae ni yume ni miteta ashita he kimi no TSUBASA ni narou
I'll be there...
Does daydreaming satisfy you?
Reality comes from your sensibility
utsuriyuku naka de kawaranai omoi he
I've made up my mind,
To stand on my own two feet.
itami sae daite mamoru tame utau yo
sugisaru hito no nami kawaku kokoro ga crying in sorrow.
kirei koto da to shite mo doko he toberu ka sa
yume no kakera hiroiatsume boku ga kimi no tame dekiru koto
itsu no hi ni ka kiekaketeta kokoro no akari wo tomosu kara
I'll be there...
sekai ga nagareteku onaji rizumu de crying in sorrow.
kanousei shika iranai nani ga dekiru ka sa
kimi wo nosete hashitte yuku tatoe kizutsuita tsubasa demo
todokanakute miageteita ashita he kimi no TSUBASA ni narou
I'll be there...
Are you ready to change yourself?
Are you flying like you want to?
You make a wish now, the picture of the future that you sketch out
Please show me your weakness,
I want to know your everything.
To make that flower called -freedom- bloom, flap your wings
The world is flowing, in the same rhythm crying in sorrow.
You only need a possibility, what can you achieve?
I'll carry you and run, even if your wings are hurt
Towards the tomorrow that you saw in a dream before falling asleep, I'll become your wings
I'll be there...
Does daydreaming satisfy you?
Reality comes from your sensibility
To the thoughts that don't change in the midst of transformation
I've made up my mind,
To stand on my own two feet.
I embrace even the pain, I'm singing to protect you
In the passing wave of people, your dried heart crying in sorrow.
Even if it's a beautiful thing, where can you fly to?
I gather the fragments of your dream, it's something I can do for you
Because someday, I'll rekindle the light in your heart that had started disappearing
I'll be there...
The world is flowing, in the same rhythm crying in sorrow.
You only need a possibility, what can you achieve?
I'll carry you and run, even if your wings are hurt
Towards the tomorrow that you couldn't reach and were looking up at, I'll become your wings
I'll be there...
Cosmic world
Produce: Shiraishi Satori, alice nine.
Programming: Hiroto
monokuro na shikku na fuku de iwareru mama mae naraede
sameteiru furi no kimi mo rokudogofun no netsu wo motteru
hoshiboshi sae kagayakanai kumori zora de in the starless night
chuu ni ukabi fuwari kieta omohitachi I feel cosmic world
toushindai, shin kokyuu kara ni ireta chikara wo nuite kuchizusamu yo
tsunaideyuku merodii kono sora (uchuu) e nerai wo sadamete todoke, kimi e to!
owari no nai tabiji e tobidashita bukiyou na kimi de mo sora (uchuu) wo tsukamitoreru
waraezu ni tachitomatteta kounotori wa yume wo miteta
takaraka ni ubugoe age mushoku no sora tobitatsu made
heddofon no sukima kara kikoete kita in the starless night
natsukashikute najimi bukai kimi no koe I feel cosmic world
tsutaetai kotoba hodo ienaku naru no wa wakatteta dakara ikou?
nijyuuyo ji no chaimu ga naru koro wa neon wo tobikoe haruka tooku e
aobikari no raito ni terasareta bokura no butai wa tsuki no shita no wandaarando
kono kumo no mukou ni ikusen no hi ga tomoru
yozora wo oyoide wakusei mo oitsukenai haruka kanata e
tsunaideyuku merodii kono sora (uchuu) e nerai wo sadamete todoke, kimi e to!
owari no nai tabiji e tobidashita bukiyou na kimi dakara issho ni aruite yukou
cosmic world
Wearing monochrome chic clothes, it's been said before
Even you who are acting cold is holding some warmth
In the cloudy night where even the stars don't shine in the starless night
The thoughts that floated gently in the air and disappeared I feel cosmic world
It's life-sized, I take a deep breath and release the power put in my shoulders, singing to myself
The melody that will tie us flies in this sky, it takes aim and reaches you!
We flew out on an unending journey, even if you're clumsy, you can take hold of the sky
I stood still without a smile, I saw a stork in my dream
Giving its first cry loudly, until it flew off in the colourless sky
From the corner of my headphones I could hear it in the starless night
I miss your familiar voice I feel cosmic world
I understand that you can't even say the things you want to tell me, so let's go?
The place where the 24 o'clock chime rings, fly across the neon, towards far away
Lit by a bluish sheen, our stage is the wonderland under the moon
Beyond this cloud, thousands of lights are lighted
Swim in the night sky, towards far away where you can't overtake any planets
The melody that will tie us flies in this sky, it takes aim and reaches you!
We flew out on an unending journey, because you're clumsy, let's run together
ブループラネット—Blue Planet
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
houkiboshi ga, yukisaki wo yubisashite egakareta WONDER PLANET
Suddenly, necessarily, I began to find yourself.
Feel me, come with us, The night sky is shinning in the blue planet.
But the space is vast, I don't look away from your eyes.
You don't need to worry!
kimi to iu taiyou ga moeru kara boku wa ikiteiru
I will not regret, No matter what might happen from now on.
I will not regret, No matter what you wish, what you hope.
In the blue planet.
doushite todokanai konna ni hashitteru no ni
nagai nagai ginga tetsudou ni notte
ama no kawa sae mo senro no michishirube ni natte kimi wo oikaketeru
Anytime, anywhere, I think about you.
aoi hoshi de kimi wo mitsuketa yo
houkiboshi ga yukusaki wo yubisashite yondekureta kara
koukai wa nai yo. nani ga okite, nani wo nakushite mo.
tatoe ashita ga nakutatte, aoi hoshi de mata meguriaou? blue planet.
aoi hoshi de
The comet points out the destination, the WONDER PLANET that was depicted
Suddenly, necessarily, I began to find yourself.
Feel me, come with us, The night sky is shinning in the blue planet.
But the space is vast, I don't look away from your eyes.
You don't need to worry!
Because you're the sun that burns, that's why I'm living
I will not regret, No matter what might happen from now on.
I will not regret, No matter what you wish, what you hope.
In the blue planet.
Why can't I reach it, though I'm running in this way
I board the long, lengthy Milky Way railroad
And the rivers of the sky become the signposts on the railway tracks, chasing after you
Anytime, anywhere, I think about you.
On the blue star, I found you
The comet points out the destination, because it calls for me
There's no regret. No matter what happens, no matter what is lost.
Even if there's no tomorrow, I guess we'll meet again on the blue star? blue planet.
On the blue star
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
taezu kurikashita hide&seek
hikari to yami no kousa ga
kimi to boku no kyoukaisen
senbiki, futari wo hedateta
nijinda eye liner kuroi namida wo otosu
hitomi ni utsuru hikari sora e tsuzuku stairway
tsuki no hikari wa kokoro wo somete kono yubi wo hodokete
eien sae mo iroaseru nara kono toki (isshun) wo todomete
asai nemuri ni yose egaku
yume to sou no e no gu de
sonna bokura no dance floor
kasanaru tsuki wa mirror ball
negai yo hoshi (ryuusei) dewa naku douka kimi e todoite
daremo ga hitori naraba bokura deawanakatta
kagami no naka wa hoshikuzu no ame mata mawaru kisetsu e
hikari wa yagate kako kara asu (mirai) e dakara ima wa sayounara.
kanashimi no rensa ni kasuresaseta kotoba wa anata no name wo yobi, chuu ni matta ne
I'm still calling sora ga nigoru kegareta hane de ima wo kakenukete yuku
doredake toki ga sugi, namida wa kareteite mo kono uta wa karezu ni
kanadete yukeru darou ka? sono toki wa soba ni ite hoshii to negau kara
tsuki no hikari wa yagate kiete mo zutto soko ni aru kara
kawaru koto naku kimi wo terasou yume wo egaku epiroogu
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
dokoka de kizutsuite mo, tsuki yoi miageteiru noraneko mo kitto onaji sa
Hide and seek repeated endlessly
It's the intersection of light and dark
The boundary line of you and me
The line is drawn, and separated two people
The eye liner that ran, it made black tears fall
Light that reflects in the eye, the stairway that continues to the sky
The light of the moon dyes my heart, this finger is untied
If even eternity fades, stop this moment
In shallow sleep, gather and paint
Using tools of pictures of dreams and thoughts
Our dance floor is like that
The overlapping moon is a mirror ball
My wish isn't a shooting star, please let it reach you
If everyone is alone, we wouldn't have met
It's a rain of stardust in the mirror, towards the revolving seasons once again
Before long, light will go from the past to the future, so goodbye for now.
The words made hoarse in the chain of sadness, they called out your name, danced in the air
I'm still calling The sky clouds, with dirtied wings, go on and run through now
Will this song be able to play without withering
No matter how much time passes, how much tears dry up? Because I wish to be by your side at that time
Even if the light of the moon disappears over time, because it will always be there
Without changing, it will shine on you, the epilogue painted in the dream
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
Surely, even the stray cat that is injured somewhere and gazing up at the moonlit night, is the same
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
mayonaka monokurona fuukei
negatta gokusaishiki no shinshou
hirogaru hodo irozuiteku kujaku no hane no you
mekuru mekuru hikari no MAGIC mugen no rasen e
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
mezameyou yume kara sameru yume
saa yukou gozen niji no kakumei
mieru mono ga shinjitsu nara naze namida wa aru?
nagareochiru kokoro no ura soko de boku wa utaou
koe wo tsumuideyuku kimi e todoku youni
yoake mae ni mezame no kane wo narase
Ready,Go toki wo kakete Through the dark ima, tobitate
moeru youna tairin no hana kimi to sakasou
neon no kakuteru gurasu goshi no sekai
kimi to boku wa tabuu hoka no mono wa iranai
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
tsukaisuteta PROFILE
ataerareta namae wa " "
Midnight, monochrome scenery
The richly coloured image I wished for
The colours spread out like the feathers of a peacock
Going round and round, the magic of light, towards the spiral of fantasy
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound and surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
Let's wake up, the dream that awakens from a dream
Come on let's go, the 2:00AM revolution
If what you can see is reality, why are there tears?
On the back of your crying heart, I'll be singing there
Weave my voice, as if you reach you
Ring the bell of awakening before daybreak
Ready,Go Soar through time Through the dark Now, take flight
A large flower that seems to be burning, it'll bloom with you
A cocktail of neon, a world through the glass
You and I are partners in crime, we don't need anything else
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound, surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
The profile that was used and thrown away
The name it was given is " "
The beautiful name
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
seijaku no yoru wo koete wakachiaeru mono ga aru
dakara ima te wo sashinobe kago no naka wo mitsumeteru
kaze wa hanayaka ni haru no shirabe wo kanade
sekai no owari de sagashiteita
taisetsuna mono wa tada, hitotsu.
onsoku wo koete tokeaeba, hora
toki sae mo hitsuyou nai sa
bokutachi wa arukitsuzuke toki ni mayoi, sure chigau.
dakara ima uta wo okurou hodoketa ito tsumugu you ni
ginga wa kagayaite kokoro wo uchinuku
tobe, azayaka ni
taiyou no aosa tenshi no pareedo
kawarazu ni itai kono omoi
onaji fuukei ni piano wo nosete
mata koko de, kimi ni aitai
kanau nara negawasete kure
wasurete shimau mae ni
ikutsumo no meguriai no naka de
ima, kimi no na wo yobou
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
sekai no owari de sagashiteita mono wa
owaranai ashita e no sanka
nakushita kakera wo umeawasu you ni
ima, koko de kimi no na wo yobou
hanarete mo dokoka no kimi e
the beautiful name
Surpass the silent night, there are things to be shared
So stretch out your hand now, staring at the middle of the cage
The wind gayly plays the melody of spring
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The one and only precious thing.
Surpass the speed of sound, if we can melt and come together, look
We don't even need time
We keep walking and get lost in time, we pass each other.
So I'll give you a song now, like spinning the thread that had come untied
The milky way is sparkling, it pierces our hearts
Take a leap into the brilliance
The blue of the sun, the parade of the angels
I want these thoughts to stay unchanged
Playing the piano in the same scenery
I want to meet you here again
If it comes true, let me wish
Before I forget
In our many encounters
Now, I'll call out your name
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The song of praise for the unending tomorrow
As if to make up for the lost fragments
Here and now, I'll call out your name
Even if we're separated, it goes towards you somewhere
華 [hae・ne]
Lyrics: Shou
Music: Alice Nine.
Arrangement: Alice Nine.
hanabira wo ukabete kokyuu wo tomete
yokusou ni wa oto mo todokanai
sugisatta genjitsu namida to tomo ni
shizumeteiku awa no naka e
sayonara wa yurameku suisai no hate e
tsuki ga nemuru yoru wa hoshi mo nakute
yume no hana chiru nara mirai ni soeyou
tsubomi no mama de ii saku koto negau nara
chou ga mau shinkirou himitsu wo daite
kiri no youna tooi yakusoku
kinou to ashita to futashikana ima
kimi no moto e maware merii goo rando
todokanai omoi wa binsen to tomo ni
itsuka todoku hazu sa iikikasete
furueteta kuchibiru kotoba wo tsutaete
tashikana mono hitotsu itoshii kioku dake
azayakana kisetsu ga irodori wo soeru
hikari sasu hou e kakenukete
kotoba ni denai omoi ga aru nara
uta wo kanade okurou kokoro wo sakaseyou
I float the petals and stop breathing
The sound doesn't even reach the bathtub
Together with tears, the reality that has passed
Is sinking into the midst of the bubbles
Goodbye wavers, to the end of water colours*
In the night where the moon sleeps, there are no stars either
If the flower of dreams falls, lets draw closer to the future
If you wish to bloom, remaining as a bud is fine
The mirage where butterflies dance holds a secret
The faraway secret like a mist
Yesterday, today and the uncertain now
The merry-go-round that revolves towards where you are
Together with the letter, the thoughts that we can't reach
We're sure to reach them someday, I remind myself
The lips that were trembling conveyed the words
The only one thing I can be sure of are the beloved memories
The vivid season is coloured in
Run through towards where the light shines
If there are thoughts that you can't say as words
I'll give them to you in song, let's make your heart bloom
Translator's Note:
*"water colours": The word "suisai" actually means "watercolours", as in the type you paint pictures with. Here, he is using it to refer to the colours of the water in the bathtub.
Nb. not avaiable in japanese writing
Alice Nine Lyrics, Twentieth Album
Alice Nine Lyrics, Twentieth Album
(SINGLE) Hana (華【hæ・nə】)

Lyrics: Shou
Music: Alice Nine.
Arrangement: Alice Nine.
hanabira wo ukabete kokyuu wo tomete
yokusou ni wa oto mo todokanai
sugisatta genjitsu namida to tomo ni
shizumeteiku awa no naka e
sayonara wa yurameku suisai no hate e
tsuki ga nemuru yoru wa hoshi mo nakute
yume no hana chiru nara mirai ni soeyou
tsubomi no mama de ii saku koto negau nara
chou ga mau shinkirou himitsu wo daite
kiri no youna tooi yakusoku
kinou to ashita to futashikana ima
kimi no moto e maware merii goo rando
todokanai omoi wa binsen to tomo ni
itsuka todoku hazu sa iikikasete
furueteta kuchibiru kotoba wo tsutaete
tashikana mono hitotsu itoshii kioku dake
azayakana kisetsu ga irodori wo soeru
hikari sasu hou e kakenukete
kotoba ni denai omoi ga aru nara
uta wo kanade okurou kokoro wo sakaseyou
I float the petals and stop breathing
The sound doesn't even reach the bathtub
Together with tears, the reality that has passed
Is sinking into the midst of the bubbles
Goodbye wavers, to the end of water colours*
In the night where the moon sleeps, there are no stars either
If the flower of dreams falls, lets draw closer to the future
If you wish to bloom, remaining as a bud is fine
The mirage where butterflies dance holds a secret
The faraway secret like a mist
Yesterday, today and the uncertain now
The merry-go-round that revolves towards where you are
Together with the letter, the thoughts that we can't reach
We're sure to reach them someday, I remind myself
The lips that were trembling conveyed the words
The only one thing I can be sure of are the beloved memories
The vivid season is coloured in
Run through towards where the light shines
If there are thoughts that you can't say as words
I'll give them to you in song, let's make your heart bloom
Translator's Note:
*"water colours": The word "suisai" actually means "watercolours", as in the type you paint pictures with. Here, he is using it to refer to the colours of the water in the bathtub.
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine.
tabibito ga tadoritsuita saki wa
koe no nai gareki ga tsumikasanaru tou no shita
nee kimi yo naze kimi wa hoshita no?
ai to iu kanbina hibiki no ringo wo
tenohira sashinobete mo
hanarete, hodoketeyuku zutto soko ni aru no ni
mabuta no naka utsushidashita hibi
kioku no iro yasashii kedo furerarenai
akeyuku sora meguru sekai made
yume to iu gekijyou de yasuragi to tomo ni
ikudome no asa ga kuru gitaa ni yorisoi
tsumahiku merodii kuru hazu no nai kimi e omoi haseteta
douka tomaranai tokei wo kizamasete
ginga no ame kounen no kioku
itsu kara darou? wasurenu mama toki wa sugite
iroasenai utsukushiki kioku (saisei)
furishikiru yuki wo koe kimi no moto e yukou
The destination that the traveller has finally reached
It's below the silent tower amassed from rubble
Hey, you, why do you desire it so?
The apple of sweet echo called "love" (1)
Even if I stretch out my hand
We separate and come apart, even though you're always there
The days reflected in my eyelids
The colour of memories is gentle, but I can't touch it
The sky dawns as far as the revolving world
Together with peace, in the theatre called "dreams"
Morning comes for the umpteenth time, I nestle close to my guitar
I don't think you'll come, the melody I pick out is sent towards you (2)
Please, let the watch that doesn't stop be carved (3)
The rain of the Milky Way, memories of a light year (4)
I wonder when it began? Without forgetting, time passes
The beautiful memories don't fade
I'll surpass the snow that falls incessantly and go to where you are
Translator's Note:
1. This sounds strange, but it's a literal translation. I couldn't think of another way to put it without losing the original meaning.
2. "sent": The meaning of "sent" actually encompasses his thoughts and feelings. It's pretty hard to explain, but you can think of it as him sending his feelings with the song to the other party.
3. same as (1).
4. "memories of a light year": I think he means memories that stretch as long as a light year, rather than memories of a light year.
3. Hing and Low
-----Sorry not avaiable----
Nb. sorry for Romaji not avaiable.
(SINGLE) Hana (華【hæ・nə】)

Lyrics: Shou
Music: Alice Nine.
Arrangement: Alice Nine.
hanabira wo ukabete kokyuu wo tomete
yokusou ni wa oto mo todokanai
sugisatta genjitsu namida to tomo ni
shizumeteiku awa no naka e
sayonara wa yurameku suisai no hate e
tsuki ga nemuru yoru wa hoshi mo nakute
yume no hana chiru nara mirai ni soeyou
tsubomi no mama de ii saku koto negau nara
chou ga mau shinkirou himitsu wo daite
kiri no youna tooi yakusoku
kinou to ashita to futashikana ima
kimi no moto e maware merii goo rando
todokanai omoi wa binsen to tomo ni
itsuka todoku hazu sa iikikasete
furueteta kuchibiru kotoba wo tsutaete
tashikana mono hitotsu itoshii kioku dake
azayakana kisetsu ga irodori wo soeru
hikari sasu hou e kakenukete
kotoba ni denai omoi ga aru nara
uta wo kanade okurou kokoro wo sakaseyou
I float the petals and stop breathing
The sound doesn't even reach the bathtub
Together with tears, the reality that has passed
Is sinking into the midst of the bubbles
Goodbye wavers, to the end of water colours*
In the night where the moon sleeps, there are no stars either
If the flower of dreams falls, lets draw closer to the future
If you wish to bloom, remaining as a bud is fine
The mirage where butterflies dance holds a secret
The faraway secret like a mist
Yesterday, today and the uncertain now
The merry-go-round that revolves towards where you are
Together with the letter, the thoughts that we can't reach
We're sure to reach them someday, I remind myself
The lips that were trembling conveyed the words
The only one thing I can be sure of are the beloved memories
The vivid season is coloured in
Run through towards where the light shines
If there are thoughts that you can't say as words
I'll give them to you in song, let's make your heart bloom
Translator's Note:
*"water colours": The word "suisai" actually means "watercolours", as in the type you paint pictures with. Here, he is using it to refer to the colours of the water in the bathtub.
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine.
tabibito ga tadoritsuita saki wa
koe no nai gareki ga tsumikasanaru tou no shita
nee kimi yo naze kimi wa hoshita no?
ai to iu kanbina hibiki no ringo wo
tenohira sashinobete mo
hanarete, hodoketeyuku zutto soko ni aru no ni
mabuta no naka utsushidashita hibi
kioku no iro yasashii kedo furerarenai
akeyuku sora meguru sekai made
yume to iu gekijyou de yasuragi to tomo ni
ikudome no asa ga kuru gitaa ni yorisoi
tsumahiku merodii kuru hazu no nai kimi e omoi haseteta
douka tomaranai tokei wo kizamasete
ginga no ame kounen no kioku
itsu kara darou? wasurenu mama toki wa sugite
iroasenai utsukushiki kioku (saisei)
furishikiru yuki wo koe kimi no moto e yukou
The destination that the traveller has finally reached
It's below the silent tower amassed from rubble
Hey, you, why do you desire it so?
The apple of sweet echo called "love" (1)
Even if I stretch out my hand
We separate and come apart, even though you're always there
The days reflected in my eyelids
The colour of memories is gentle, but I can't touch it
The sky dawns as far as the revolving world
Together with peace, in the theatre called "dreams"
Morning comes for the umpteenth time, I nestle close to my guitar
I don't think you'll come, the melody I pick out is sent towards you (2)
Please, let the watch that doesn't stop be carved (3)
The rain of the Milky Way, memories of a light year (4)
I wonder when it began? Without forgetting, time passes
The beautiful memories don't fade
I'll surpass the snow that falls incessantly and go to where you are
Translator's Note:
1. This sounds strange, but it's a literal translation. I couldn't think of another way to put it without losing the original meaning.
2. "sent": The meaning of "sent" actually encompasses his thoughts and feelings. It's pretty hard to explain, but you can think of it as him sending his feelings with the song to the other party.
3. same as (1).
4. "memories of a light year": I think he means memories that stretch as long as a light year, rather than memories of a light year.
3. Hing and Low
-----Sorry not avaiable----
Nb. sorry for Romaji not avaiable.
Senin, 27 September 2010
Alice Nine Lyrics, Nineteenth Album
Alice Nine Lyrics, Nineteenth Album

The beautiful name - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
静寂の夜を越えて 分ち合える物がある
だから今 手を差し伸べ 籠の中を見つめてる
風は華やかに 春の調べを奏で
世界の終わりで 探していた
大切な物は 只、ひとつ。
音速を越えて 融け合えば、ほら
僕達は歩き続け 時に迷い、すれ違う。
だから今 歌を贈ろう 解けた糸紡ぐように
銀河は輝いて 心を打ち抜く
太陽の碧さ 天使のパレード
変わらずにいたい この想い
叶うなら 願わせてくれ
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
世界の終わりで 探していたものは
離れても 何処かのきみへ
the beautiful name
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
seijaku no yoru wo koete wakachiaeru mono ga aru
dakara ima te wo sashinobe kago no naka wo mitsumeteru
kaze wa hanayaka ni haru no shirabe wo kanade
sekai no owari de sagashiteita
taisetsuna mono wa tada, hitotsu.
onsoku wo koete tokeaeba, hora
toki sae mo hitsuyou nai sa
bokutachi wa arukitsuzuke toki ni mayoi, sure chigau.
dakara ima uta wo okurou hodoketa ito tsumugu you ni
ginga wa kagayaite kokoro wo uchinuku
tobe, azayaka ni
taiyou no aosa tenshi no pareedo
kawarazu ni itai kono omoi
onaji fuukei ni piano wo nosete
mata koko de, kimi ni aitai
kanau nara negawasete kure
wasurete shimau mae ni
ikutsumo no meguriai no naka de
ima, kimi no na wo yobou
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
sekai no owari de sagashiteita mono wa
owaranai ashita e no sanka
nakushita kakera wo umeawasu you ni
ima, koko de kimi no na wo yobou
hanarete mo dokoka no kimi e
the beautiful name
Surpass the silent night, there are things to be shared
So stretch out your hand now, staring at the middle of the cage
The wind gayly plays the melody of spring
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The one and only precious thing.
Surpass the speed of sound, if we can melt and come together, look
We don't even need time
We keep walking and get lost in time, we pass each other.
So I'll give you a song now, like spinning the thread that had come untied
The milky way is sparkling, it pierces our hearts
Take a leap into the brilliance
The blue of the sun, the parade of the angels
I want these thoughts to stay unchanged
Playing the piano in the same scenery
I want to meet you here again
If it comes true, let me wish
Before I forget
In our many encounters
Now, I'll call out your name
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The song of praise for the unending tomorrow
As if to make up for the lost fragments
Here and now, I'll call out your name
Even if we're separated, it goes towards you somewhere
百花繚乱 - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
君の情景、フレグ ランス
澄 み切った其の眼に映した
※Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
「Too fast to live, Too young to die. 」※
開かないドアを蹴破 るように
蝉の鳴く頃見つけ て
赤×黒のマニキュア 指先
乱れ咲い た想ひで舞って
「散りゆく物だから 綺麗に咲くの」だと
影踏みをして遊 ぶ少女は アタッシュ・ケースの中
周りの悲しい顔に 我関せず ぼーっと 見つめて
開かないドア を蹴破るように
「先に眠るのかな お
Hyakka Ryouran
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
rakujitsu to tomo ni tsuretetta
kimi no joukei, fureguransu
joukyou wa zecchou houshin joutai
naritomanu, fumikiri, sairen.
kage ga aru kara hikari aru you ni
kimi ga ita kara kodoku wo shitta
sumikitta sono me ni utsushita
shinrabanshou wo boku ni kure yo
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
akanai doa wo keyaburu you ni
boku no kokoro (shinzou) tsukisashita mama
"saki ni nemuru no nara, kotowari irete kure"
makka na yukigeshou
semi no naku koro mitsuketa
kisetsu ga sugisaru to tomo ni
miushinatta chiisana senaka
aka kuro no manikyua yubisaki
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
midaresaita omohi de matte
senkou hanabi mitai ni ochita
"chiriyuku mono dakara kirei ni saku no" da to
konma san-byou no setsuna
kage fumi wo shite asobu shoujo wa attashu keesu no naka
mawari no kanashii kao ni warekansezu bootto mitsumete
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
akanai doa wo keyaburu you ni
boku no kokoro (shinzou) tsukisashita mama
"saki ni nemuru no kana, oyasumi mo iwazu ni"
kirei na yukigeshou...
Myriad of Blooming Flowers
Brought along with the setting sun
The vision of you, your fragrance
In completely absent-minded circumstances
The siren at the railway crossing doesn't stop ringing.
Like how there's light because there's shadow
I know loneliness because you exist
You give me the whole of creation
Reflected in those serene eyes
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
Like how a door that doesn't open is kicked down
As it pierced through my heart
"If you fall asleep before me, please tell me in advance"
Covered in pure red snow
I come across the season where cicadas chirp
Together with the passing of the seasons
The small back that I lost sight of
The red and black manicured fingertips
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
You dance in the feelings that bloomed in disarray
And fell like sparkles *
"They bloom beautifully because they'll disappear" and in
A moment as long as a 3-second comma
Inside the attache-case of the young girl who treads on shadows for fun
Without caring about the sad faces around her, she stares dreamily
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
Like how a door that doesn't open is kicked down
As it pierced through my heart
"Did you fall asleep before me? You didn't even say goodnight"
Beautifully covered in snow...
Translator's Note:
*"sparkles": From sparklers (toy fireworks), the kind on a stick. He's referring to the sparkles that fall from the stick when you light it.
RAINBOWS - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
真夜中 モノクロな風景
願った 極彩色の心象
広がる程色づいてく 孔雀の羽根の様
めくるめくる光のMAGIC 夢幻の螺旋へ
※空へ描いてゆく キミヘ届くように
奇跡のような世紀のSHOWを 描け
響け地平越えて 闇を塗り替えてく
織り重なる光の中で キミと踊ろう※
目覚めよう 夢から醒める夢
さあ行こう 2:OOAMの革命
見える物が真実なら 何故涙は在る?
流れ落ちる 心の裏 そこで僕は詩おう
声を紡いでゆく キミヘ届くように
夜明け前に目覚めの鐘を 鳴らせ
Ready.Go 時を駆けて Through the dark 今、飛び立て
燃えるような大輪の華 キミと咲かそう
ネオンのカクテル グラス越しの世界
君と僕は共犯者(タブー) 他のモノは要らない
与えられた名前は “ ”
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
mayonaka monokurona fuukei
negatta gokusaishiki no shinshou
hirogaru hodo irozuiteku kujaku no hane no you
mekuru mekuru hikari no MAGIC mugen no rasen e
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
mezameyou yume kara sameru yume
saa yukou gozen niji no kakumei
mieru mono ga shinjitsu nara naze namida wa aru?
nagareochiru kokoro no ura soko de boku wa utaou
koe wo tsumuideyuku kimi e todoku youni
yoake mae ni mezame no kane wo narase
Ready,Go toki wo kakete Through the dark ima, tobitate
moeru youna tairin no hana kimi to sakasou
neon no kakuteru gurasu goshi no sekai
kimi to boku wa tabuu hoka no mono wa iranai
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
tsukaisuteta PROFILE
ataerareta namae wa " "
Midnight, monochrome scenery
The richly coloured image I wished for
The colours spread out like the feathers of a peacock
Going round and round, the magic of light, towards the spiral of fantasy
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound and surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
Let's wake up, the dream that awakens from a dream
Come on let's go, the 2:00AM revolution
If what you can see is reality, why are there tears?
On the back of your crying heart, I'll be singing there
Weave my voice, as if you reach you
Ring the bell of awakening before daybreak
Ready,Go Soar through time Through the dark Now, take flight
A large flower that seems to be burning, it'll bloom with you
A cocktail of neon, a world through the glass
You and I are partners in crime, we don't need anything else
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound, surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
The profile that was used and thrown away
The name it was given is " "
Kiss twice, Kiss me deadly -アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
パブロフの犬のように 止められない欲求
滴 り落ちるゼリーが溢れたジャグジー
気を抜けば最後 一瞬のうちに
喉も噛み切られ しゃがれて shall we deadly dance with...
口づけしよう もう一度 君の秘密を暴こう
舌と舌の先に 真実があ る...SHaLaLaLaLa...「殺(あい)し合おう」
やや冷めたコーヒーカップ メリーゴーランドみたい
君と僕の隋性を 真似してみせる
淫らな指先 タクトにして
操作してみせて 今すぐ shall we deadly dance with...
口づけしよう もう一度 瞳は開けたまま
下と下の先に 君の死に顔...SHaLaLaLaLaLa...「許し 合おう」
気を抜けば最後 一瞬のうちに
喉も噛み切られ しゃがれて shall we deadly dance with...
口づけしよう もう一度 君の秘密を暴こう
舌と舌の先に 真実がある...SHaLaLa...
口づけし よう もう一度
I と愛の先に 君の死に顔...SHaLaLaLaLaLa...「愛(ころ)し合おう」
Kiss twice,Kiss me deadly
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
paburofu no inu no youni tomerarenai yokkyuu
shitatariochiru zerii ga afureta jagujii
ki wo nukeba saigo isshun no uchi ni
nodo mo kamikirare shagarete shall we deadly dance with...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido kimi no himitsu wo abakou
shita to shita no saki ni shinjitsu ga aru...SHaLaLaLaLa... "aishiaou"
yaya sameta koohii kappu meriigoorando mitai
kimi to boku no dasei wo maneshite miseru
midarana yubisaki takuto ni shite
sousashite misete ima sugu shall we deadly dance with...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido hitomi wa aketa mama
shita to shita no saku ni kimi no shinigao...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "yurushiaou"
ki wo nukeba saigo isshun no uchi ni
nodo mo kamikirare shagarete shall we deadly dance with...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido kimi no himitsu wo abakou
shita to shita no saki ni shinjitsu ga aru...SHaLaLa...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido
I to ai no saki ni kimi no shinigao...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "koroshiaou"
Kiss twice,Kiss me deadly
Like Pavlov's dog, the unstoppable desire
Trickling jelly overflowed from the jacuzzi
If you let your mind wonder, at the last moment
Even the throat was bitten, it becomes hoarse shall we deadly dance with...
Let's kiss one more time, and expose your secret
Beyond your tongue and mine, there's the truth...SHaLaLaLaLa... "Let's love each other"
The coffee cup that has cooled down a little is like a merry-go-round
It mimics our inertia
The lewd finger moves tactfully
Manipulate me, immediately shall we deadly dance with...
Let's kiss one more time, with our eyes open
Beyond your below and mine, your dead face...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "Let's forgive each other"
If you let your mind wonder, at the last moment
Even the throat was bitten, it becomes hoarse shall we deadly dance with...
Let's kiss one more time, and expose your secret
Beyond your tongue and mine, there's the truth...SHaLaLa...
Let's kiss one more time
Beyond "I" and "love"*, your dead face...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "Let's kill each other"
Translator's Note:
*"I" was written in English. Romanised, it is pronounced "ai", which is the same reading for "love" (ai). This is a pun in line with the two similar lines earlier in the song, which were also puns.
CROSS GAME - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
光射す方へ。 見上げて誓った
夜明けすら遠く 眩しく剌さる
目醒めてゆく In the wonderland.
溢れ出してた 想いの波は寄せ
アルゴリズムで 解けない世界に
賽を解き放て get out&follow the light
夢見てた明日は いつか過ぎ去り
混ざり合えない 心に鍵をかけ
甘いトリック 誘うフレイヴァー
美しき予感 奏でて
意味を成さない 涙は無いから
そう 望まれた存在理由を演じよう。
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
hikari sasu hou e. miagete chikatta
bokura dake no mirai, kizuite iku
yoake sura tooku mabushiku sasaru
mezamete yuku In the wonderland.
afuredashiteta omoi no nami wa yose
arugorizumu de tokenai sekai ni
tatoe, hikari ushinatte mo.
kokoro (shinzou) no ura no sunadokei wa modoranai
sai wo tokihanate get out&follow the light
yume miteta ashita wa itsuka sugisari
kousashiteku negai, hoshi (ryuuseigun) ni naru.
matataki mo wasure, mitsume tsuzuketa
areguro yori asayakana "toki"
mazari aenai kokoro ni kagi wo kake
amai torikku sasou fureivaa
shiro to kuro no shikou no hate
kasumi yuku sora, mou kako wa iranai
utsukushiki yokan kanadete
...namida ochiru made, iki wo hisometa
ano hi, aosugita sutoorii
maiagare ashita e, kodou yori hayaku
douka owaru koto naki tabi wo
imi wo nasanai namida wa nai kara
kono koe yo kimi ni todoke.
aa, hashiridashita toki (jidai) no nagare koete
sou nozomareta imi (sonzai riyuu) wo enjiyou.
We looked up in the direction that the light shone towards and vowed
We are building our own future
It pierces brilliantly through as far as dawn
Wake up In the wonderland.
Hold close the waves of overflowing feelings
In the world that can't be solved with an algorithm
Let's say, even if you part with the light
The hourglass at the back of your heart can't be turned back
Cast the die, get out&follow the light (1)
The tomorrow that you dreamt of, someday it will pass
The wish to intersect it becomes a star.
It even forgets to twinkle, and goes on watching
The "time" that is more vivid than an allegro
Turn the key in the heart that I can't blend into
The flavour that tempts the sweet trick
The end of thinking about black and white (2)
The sky clouds, we don't need the past anymore
A beautiful premonition is playing (3)
... Till tears fall, I held my breath
The story that paled that day
Towards tomorrow that soars high, faster than a heartbeart
Somehow or other, I'll go on a journey without an end
It doesn't make sense, because there are no tears
This voice will reach you.
Aaah, start running and surpass the flow of time
Yes, we'll act out the meaning that we wished for.
Translator's Note:
1. "Die": The six-sided kind that you play games or gamble with.
2. He means that there will he (or they, or whoever he is speaking to) will no longer think about making a choice between black and white. Something like that.
3. "Playing" as in the playing of music.
昴 - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
この頃 息苦しいんだ 鏡の中探しても
自 分の存在だって 確かに感じられない
悲しみが頬伝い 窓の外 見上げ
夜空には 一つでは輝けない 星達
僕には気 付けなかった。自分の 心臓の音も
誰かのリズムになって 変わらず そこに在ればいい
生きる意味 探してた 消えそうな光
で も
確かめた 君の手の 温もり 忘れない
過ぎ去った 涙降る夜 その中で 手を広げた
飛べるさ 目を閉じたな ら…二人で 願えたのなら
重ねてた 一人では輝けない プレアデス
変わらずに またここで 君と笑おう
so sweet pain...
be as one, forever & ever
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
kono koro iki kurushiin da kagami no naka sagashite mo
jibun no sonzai datte tashika ni kanjirarenai
kanashimi ga hoho tsutai mado no soto miage
yozora ni wa hitotsu de wa kagayakenai hoshitachi
boku ni wa kizukenakatta. jibun no kokoro no oto mo
dareka no rizumu ni natte kawarazu soko ni areba ii
ikiru imi sagashiteta kiesouna hikari
tashikameta kimi no te no nukumori wasurenai
sugisatta namida furu yoru sono naka de te wo hirogeta
toberu sa me wo tojita nara... futari de negaeta no nara
kasaneteta hitori de wa kagayakenai pureadesu
kawarazu ni mata koko de kimi to waraou
so sweet pain...
be as one, forever&ever
At this moment, it was painful to breathe, even if I search in the mirror
I can't feel my own existence with certainty
With sadness along my cheek, I look up, out of the window
In the night sky, there are stars that can't shine alone
I was unable to notice. Even the sound of my own heart
It just has to become someone else's rhythm, and stay there without changing
I was searching for the meaning of living, the light seemed to fade
I don't forget the warmth of your hand, that I had ascertained
The night of shedding tears passed, in the midst of that, I opened my hand
I can fly, if I close my eyes... if the two of us could wish for that
The overlapping Pleiades that can't shine alone
I'll smile with you here again, without changing
so sweet pain...
be as one, forever&ever
www. - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
氾濫する情報 波にさらわれて
依存する 匿名希望A
得意げな ブラインド・タッチ
World Wide Warning 崩れゆく自我の中で
World Wide Despair キミが壊れてく前に
文字の羅列にまで 踊らされ笑う
知りすぎた 現代のREALIST
プ ラトンは? イデア論は?
World Wide Warning ハリボテで出来たTODAY
World Wide Despair 疑う事始めよう
ride on, ride on, ride on,「Ride on time」
World Wide Warning だから愛して見せてよ
World Wide Despair 本当のキミ壊れる前
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
hanransuru jouhou nami ni sarawarete
izonsuru tokumei kibou A
tokuige na buraindo tacchi
World Wide Warning kuzureyuku jiga no naka de
World Wide Despair kimi ga kowareteku mae ni
monji no raretsu ni made odorasare warau
shirisugita gendai no REALIST
puraton wa? idea ron wa?
World Wide Warning haribote de dekita TODAY
World Wide Despair utagau koto hajimeyou
ride on, ride on, ride on,"Ride on time"
World Wide Warning dakara aishite misete yo
World Wide Despair hontou no kimi kowareru mae
Information that overflows is swept away by the waves
We rely on the anonymous hope A (1)
The proud blind touch
World Wide Warning Within myself that's crumbling
World Wide Despair Before you're destroyed
Made to dance even to the enumeration of the alphabet, I laugh
The modern REALIST who knew too much
Who's Plato? What's idealism? (2)
World Wide Warning TODAY was made from papier mache
World Wide Despair Let's start to doubt
ride on, ride on, ride on,"Ride on time"
World Wide Warning That's why I'll show you my love
World Wide Despair Before the real you is destroyed
Translator's Note:
1. Shou wrote the lyrics during a "Ghost in the Shell 3" phase. Please refer.
2. Platonic Idealism.
Drella - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
Kissing you, like a vampire
香り立つ ブラド・ティー
The two of us, pieces of the end
味付けは 微糖「召 し上がれ」
灰の降る街 少女は廻る
幾千の灯火 一夜で消えた
君はシンデレラ(the part of light)
或はドラキュラ(the part of dark)
Tell me why, I don't know real face
The two of you, It's change the world
目当てはロゼ どうぞ「召し上がれ」
靴は ガラス細工のヒール
可憐さと危うさ 纒って走る
今は午前零時(time of the end)
全ての夢のあと(ever after)
Call my name, If you're regret
傷 口は薔薇の様
Die for you, but I hate your lies
乾いた嘘 どうぞ棺桶まで...
one, two
「666666666666666666666」for U
似て 非なるものさ
君はシンデレラ(the part of light)
或はドラキュラ(the part of dark)
Kissing you, like a vampire
ひと思いに 断ち切って
The two of us, pieces of the end
今 宵もまた、一名「召し上がれ」
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
Kissing you, like a vampire
kaori tatsu burado tii
The two of us, pieces of the end
ajitsuke wa bitou "meshiagare"
hai no furu machi shoujo wa mawaru
ikusen no tomoshibi ichiya de kieta
kimi wa shinderera (the part of light)
aru wa dorakyura (the part of dark)
Tell me why, I don't know real face
kiba wo motta hanabira
The two of you, It's change the world
meate wa roze douso "meshiagare"
kutsu wa garasu saiku no hiiru
karen sa to ayau sa matotte hashiru
ima wa gozen reiji (time of the end)
subete no yume no ato (ever after)
Call my name, If you're regret
kizuguchi wa bara no you
Die for you, but I hate your lies
kawaita uso douzo kan'oke made...
one, two
[666666666666666666666]for U
[Anthology] douwa to kimi no uso
nitehinaru mono sa
kimi wa shinderera (the part of light)
aru wa dorakyura (the part of dark)
Kissing you, like a vampire
hito omoi ni tachikitte
The two of us, pieces of the end
koyoi mo mata, ichimei "meshiagare"
Kissing you, like a vampire
The aroma of blood tea rises
The two of us, pieces of the end
With just a bit of sugar added, "Enjoy your meal"*
The young girl passes the street where ash falls
Thousands of lamplights disappear in one night
You are Cinderella (the part of light)
Or Dracula (the part of dark)
Tell me why, I don't know real face
Flower petals with teeth
The two of you, It's change the world
A view of roses, please "Enjoy your meal"
Your shoes are heels skilfully crafted from glass
You move clad in sweetness and danger
It's midnight now (time of the end)
After all the dreams (ever after)
Call my name, If you're regret
The wounds are like roses
Die for you, but I hate your lies
Died-up lies, please proceed to the coffin...
one, two
[666666666666666666666]for U
[Anthology] Fairy tales and your lies
They're similar but not the same
You are Cinderella (the part of light)
Or Dracula (the part of dark)
Kissing you, like a vampire
I resolutely break off this relationship
The two of us, pieces of the end
Tonight, I'm dining alone again, "Enjoy your meal"
Translator's Note:
*"meshiagare" is "to eat" in honourific form. I guess it can be thought of as something like "Please enjoy your meal".
MIRROR BALL - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
絶えず繰り返したhide & seek
滲んだeye liner 黒い涙を落とす
瞳に映る光 空へ続くstairway
月の光は心を染めて この指は解けて
永遠さえも色褪せるなら この一瞬を止めて
そんな僕らのdance floor
重なる月はmirror ball
願いよ 流星ではなく どうか君へ届いて
誰もが一人ならば 僕等 出会わなかった
鏡の中は星屑の雨 また廻る季節へ
光はやがて 過去から未来へ だから今は さようなら。
悲しみの連鎖に 掠れさせた言葉は
I'm still calling 空が濁る 汚れた羽根で 今を駆け抜けてゆく
どれだけ時が過ぎ、涙は涸れていても この詩は枯れずに
奏でてゆけるだろうか? その時は傍に居て欲しいと願うから
月の光はやがて消えても ずっとそこに在るから
変わる事無く 君を照らそう 夢の描くエピローグ
You & I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
どこかで傷ついて、月宵見上げている野良猫もきっと 同じさ
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
taezu kurikashita hide&seek
hikari to yami no kousa ga
kimi to boku no kyoukaisen
senbiki, futari wo hedateta
nijinda eye liner kuroi namida wo otosu
hitomi ni utsuru hikari sora e tsuzuku stairway
tsuki no hikari wa kokoro wo somete kono yubi wo hodokete
eien sae mo iroaseru nara kono toki (isshun) wo todomete
asai nemuri ni yose egaku
yume to sou no e no gu de
sonna bokura no dance floor
kasanaru tsuki wa mirror ball
negai yo hoshi (ryuusei) dewa naku douka kimi e todoite
daremo ga hitori naraba bokura deawanakatta
kagami no naka wa hoshikuzu no ame mata mawaru kisetsu e
hikari wa yagate kako kara asu (mirai) e dakara ima wa sayounara.
kanashimi no rensa ni kasuresaseta kotoba wa anata no name wo yobi, chuu ni matta ne
I'm still calling sora ga nigoru kegareta hane de ima wo kakenukete yuku
doredake toki ga sugi, namida wa kareteite mo kono uta wa karezu ni
kanadete yukeru darou ka? sono toki wa soba ni ite hoshii to negau kara
tsuki no hikari wa yagate kiete mo zutto soko ni aru kara
kawaru koto naku kimi wo terasou yume wo egaku epiroogu
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
dokoka de kizutsuite mo, tsuki yoi miageteiru noraneko mo kitto onaji sa
Hide and seek repeated endlessly
It's the intersection of light and dark
The boundary line of you and me
The line is drawn, and separated two people
The eye liner that ran, it made black tears fall
Light that reflects in the eye, the stairway that continues to the sky
The light of the moon dyes my heart, this finger is untied
If even eternity fades, stop this moment
In shallow sleep, gather and paint
Using tools of pictures of dreams and thoughts
Our dance floor is like that
The overlapping moon is a mirror ball
My wish isn't a shooting star, please let it reach you
If everyone is alone, we wouldn't have met
It's a rain of stardust in the mirror, towards the revolving seasons once again
Before long, light will go from the past to the future, so goodbye for now.
The words made hoarse in the chain of sadness, they called out your name, danced in the air
I'm still calling The sky clouds, with dirtied wings, go on and run through now
Will this song be able to play without withering
No matter how much time passes, how much tears dry up? Because I wish to be by your side at that time
Even if the light of the moon disappears over time, because it will always be there
Without changing, it will shine on you, the epilogue painted in the dream
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
Surely, even the stray cat that is injured somewhere and gazing up at the moonlit night, is the same
Alice nine
Lyrics: Shou
振りかざす きみは
Are you ready?
笑っても泣いても 答えの出ない
誰かの夢リフレインさせて 見える景色には魅力が無くて
夢見るだけ無駄な足掻きでも 壊して そしてまた創ばいい
笑っても泣いても 答えの出ない
僕らは皆 貝一人きりで
結局のところ、自分の居場所 探している
未完成だから 僕らの心臓は左側だけ
遠い距離が 想いを強くするなら
笑っても泣いても 答えの出ない
誰かの夢リフレインさせて 見える景色には魅力が無くて
思うがまま描く夢だから 本当の価値がある
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
kikoe no ii kotoba
furikazasu kimi wa
furui ashikase wo kaketagaru
jouki to seorii
chokkan to hirameki
docchi ga masaru ka?
Are you ready?
waratte mo naite mo kotae no denai
"QUIZ"TV SHOW goran are
dareka no yume rifurein sasete mieru keshiki ni wa miryoku ga nakute
yume miru dake muda na agaki demo kowashite soshite mata tsukureba ii
kanashiinda buri no
usotsuki no gunshu
kanashii eiga de manzoku ge sa
hito to onaji koto
hito to chigau koto
sono kurikaeshi de
tsukareta darou?
waratte mo naite mo kotae no denai
"LIFE"MOVIE SHOW goran are
bokura wa minna tada hitorikiri de
kekkyoku no tokoro, jibun no ibasho sagashiteiru
mikansei dakara bokura no kokoro (shinzou) wa hidarigawa dake
tooi kyori ga omoi wo tsuyoku suru nara
hashire! hashire! hashire! todoke! todoke! todoke!
negaigoto ga kanau made
waratte mo naite mo kotae no denai
"QUIZ"TV SHOW goran are
dareka no yume rifurein sasete mieru keshiki ni wa miryoku ga nakute
omou ga mama egaku yume dakara hontou no kachi ga aru
sou darou?
masshiro na sadame (unmei) e
You wield
The words that we should listen to
You want to put old shackles on
Rulers and theories
Instinct and insight
Which one is better?
Are you ready?
Even if you laugh, even if you cry, the answer doesn't appear
Please watch the "QUIZ"TV SHOW
Let someone's dream refrain*, there's no charm in the scenery you can see
It's just the pointless struggling that you dream of, but it would be good if you could destroy it then recreate it
The crowd of liars
Who are pretending to be sad
They're satisfied by a sad movie
Things that are the same as everyone
Things that are different from everyone
Aren't you tired
Of that repetition?
Even if you laugh, even if you cry, the answer doesn't appear
Please watch the "LIFE"MOVIE SHOW
We're all alone by ourselves In the end, we are searching for where we each belong
It's still unfinished, that's why our hearts are only on the left side
If the far distance strengthens our feelings
Run! Run! Run! Reach! Reach! Reach!
Until you fulfill your wish
Even if you laugh, even if you cry, the answer doesn't appear
Please watch the "QUIZ"TV SHOW
Let someone's dream refrain*, there's no charm in the scenery you can see
The dream you drew while thinking, there's real value in that
Isn't that so?
Towards pure white destiny
Translator's Note:
*"Let someone's dream refrain": The word "refrain" was used as a verb. I couldn't think of another way to translate it so here's the literal translation.
Waterfall - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
やがて川になり 海へ
形 成してゆく要素
幾つもの 愛 言葉
幾つもの 傷 犠牲
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
スローに映 る過程
積み重なる意志 希望
未来を願う 誓い
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
涙落ちゆく時 拭えなかったものは 安らぎにも似た 色褪せない
だから、僕は僕の ままで 君と生きよう。痛まぬ傷は無い
遠すぎた あの空へ
I'll be with you, 君が望む 永久の先まで
僕 は生まれ 四季の終わりを知る
廻り巡る青き星の片隅で 落ちてゆく雫 誰にも知られずに
だから、僕は 僕のままで 君と生きよう。
美しく燃えた 涙が乾くまで
だから、僕は僕のままで 君と生きよう
I'll be with you, 君が望む 永久の先まで
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
nagareochiru kioku
yagate kawa ni nari umi e
keiseishiteyuku youso
ikutsu mo no ai kotoba
ikutsu mo no kizu gisei
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
suroo ni utsuru katei
tsumikasanaru ishi kibou
eranda no wa michi jyanaku
oshietekureta tomo to
mirai wo negau chikai
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
namida ochiyuku toki nuguenakatta mono wa yasuragi ni mo nita iroasenai ao no hibi
dakara, boku wa boku no mama de kimi to ikiyou. itanamu kizu wa nai toosugita ano sora e
I'll be with you, kimi ga nozomu towa no saki made
boku wa umare shiki no owari wo shiru
gareki no naka kara saku hana
mawari meguru aoki hoshi no katasumi de ochiteyuku shizuku dare ni mo shirarezu ni
dakara, boku wa boku no mama de kimi to ikiyou. utsukushiku moeta namida ga kawaku made
hitori, uchuu to iu orugooru ga naiteru
dakara, boku wa boku no mama de kimi to ikiyou
I'll be with you, kimi ga nozomu towa no saki made
Memories that flow down
They soon become a river, towards the sea
The elements that take form
The many words of love
The many sacrifices and wounds
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
The process that reflects slowly
Determination and hope accumulate
What we choose isn't the path
With the friends who taught us
We hope for the future, and vow
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
When tears are shed, the things that can't be wiped away are the blue days, resembling tranquility, that don't fade away
That's why, I'll live with you the way I am. There are no wounds that don't hurt, towards the sky that was too far away
I'll be with you, till beyond the eternity that you wish for
I'm born, and know of the end of the four seasons
The flower that blooms from the midst of rubble
At the corner of the revolving blue stars, shards fall without being known by anyone
That's why, I'll live with you the way I am. Until the tears that burned beautifully dry up
Alone, the music box called the universe is crying
That's why, I'll live with you the way I am
I'll be with you, till beyond the eternity that you wish for

The beautiful name - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
静寂の夜を越えて 分ち合える物がある
だから今 手を差し伸べ 籠の中を見つめてる
風は華やかに 春の調べを奏で
世界の終わりで 探していた
大切な物は 只、ひとつ。
音速を越えて 融け合えば、ほら
僕達は歩き続け 時に迷い、すれ違う。
だから今 歌を贈ろう 解けた糸紡ぐように
銀河は輝いて 心を打ち抜く
太陽の碧さ 天使のパレード
変わらずにいたい この想い
叶うなら 願わせてくれ
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
世界の終わりで 探していたものは
離れても 何処かのきみへ
the beautiful name
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
seijaku no yoru wo koete wakachiaeru mono ga aru
dakara ima te wo sashinobe kago no naka wo mitsumeteru
kaze wa hanayaka ni haru no shirabe wo kanade
sekai no owari de sagashiteita
taisetsuna mono wa tada, hitotsu.
onsoku wo koete tokeaeba, hora
toki sae mo hitsuyou nai sa
bokutachi wa arukitsuzuke toki ni mayoi, sure chigau.
dakara ima uta wo okurou hodoketa ito tsumugu you ni
ginga wa kagayaite kokoro wo uchinuku
tobe, azayaka ni
taiyou no aosa tenshi no pareedo
kawarazu ni itai kono omoi
onaji fuukei ni piano wo nosete
mata koko de, kimi ni aitai
kanau nara negawasete kure
wasurete shimau mae ni
ikutsumo no meguriai no naka de
ima, kimi no na wo yobou
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
sekai no owari de sagashiteita mono wa
owaranai ashita e no sanka
nakushita kakera wo umeawasu you ni
ima, koko de kimi no na wo yobou
hanarete mo dokoka no kimi e
the beautiful name
Surpass the silent night, there are things to be shared
So stretch out your hand now, staring at the middle of the cage
The wind gayly plays the melody of spring
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The one and only precious thing.
Surpass the speed of sound, if we can melt and come together, look
We don't even need time
We keep walking and get lost in time, we pass each other.
So I'll give you a song now, like spinning the thread that had come untied
The milky way is sparkling, it pierces our hearts
Take a leap into the brilliance
The blue of the sun, the parade of the angels
I want these thoughts to stay unchanged
Playing the piano in the same scenery
I want to meet you here again
If it comes true, let me wish
Before I forget
In our many encounters
Now, I'll call out your name
Earth of silence
Confused universe
Graced the beautiful name
(And I sing) buzz love song
I was searching for it at the end of the world
The song of praise for the unending tomorrow
As if to make up for the lost fragments
Here and now, I'll call out your name
Even if we're separated, it goes towards you somewhere
百花繚乱 - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
君の情景、フレグ ランス
澄 み切った其の眼に映した
※Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
「Too fast to live, Too young to die. 」※
開かないドアを蹴破 るように
蝉の鳴く頃見つけ て
赤×黒のマニキュア 指先
乱れ咲い た想ひで舞って
「散りゆく物だから 綺麗に咲くの」だと
影踏みをして遊 ぶ少女は アタッシュ・ケースの中
周りの悲しい顔に 我関せず ぼーっと 見つめて
開かないドア を蹴破るように
「先に眠るのかな お
Hyakka Ryouran
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
rakujitsu to tomo ni tsuretetta
kimi no joukei, fureguransu
joukyou wa zecchou houshin joutai
naritomanu, fumikiri, sairen.
kage ga aru kara hikari aru you ni
kimi ga ita kara kodoku wo shitta
sumikitta sono me ni utsushita
shinrabanshou wo boku ni kure yo
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
akanai doa wo keyaburu you ni
boku no kokoro (shinzou) tsukisashita mama
"saki ni nemuru no nara, kotowari irete kure"
makka na yukigeshou
semi no naku koro mitsuketa
kisetsu ga sugisaru to tomo ni
miushinatta chiisana senaka
aka kuro no manikyua yubisaki
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
midaresaita omohi de matte
senkou hanabi mitai ni ochita
"chiriyuku mono dakara kirei ni saku no" da to
konma san-byou no setsuna
kage fumi wo shite asobu shoujo wa attashu keesu no naka
mawari no kanashii kao ni warekansezu bootto mitsumete
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
akanai doa wo keyaburu you ni
boku no kokoro (shinzou) tsukisashita mama
"saki ni nemuru no kana, oyasumi mo iwazu ni"
kirei na yukigeshou...
Myriad of Blooming Flowers
Brought along with the setting sun
The vision of you, your fragrance
In completely absent-minded circumstances
The siren at the railway crossing doesn't stop ringing.
Like how there's light because there's shadow
I know loneliness because you exist
You give me the whole of creation
Reflected in those serene eyes
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
Like how a door that doesn't open is kicked down
As it pierced through my heart
"If you fall asleep before me, please tell me in advance"
Covered in pure red snow
I come across the season where cicadas chirp
Together with the passing of the seasons
The small back that I lost sight of
The red and black manicured fingertips
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
You dance in the feelings that bloomed in disarray
And fell like sparkles *
"They bloom beautifully because they'll disappear" and in
A moment as long as a 3-second comma
Inside the attache-case of the young girl who treads on shadows for fun
Without caring about the sad faces around her, she stares dreamily
Now, I realize the end
Who said famous words
"Too fast to live, Too young to die."
Like how a door that doesn't open is kicked down
As it pierced through my heart
"Did you fall asleep before me? You didn't even say goodnight"
Beautifully covered in snow...
Translator's Note:
*"sparkles": From sparklers (toy fireworks), the kind on a stick. He's referring to the sparkles that fall from the stick when you light it.
RAINBOWS - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
真夜中 モノクロな風景
願った 極彩色の心象
広がる程色づいてく 孔雀の羽根の様
めくるめくる光のMAGIC 夢幻の螺旋へ
※空へ描いてゆく キミヘ届くように
奇跡のような世紀のSHOWを 描け
響け地平越えて 闇を塗り替えてく
織り重なる光の中で キミと踊ろう※
目覚めよう 夢から醒める夢
さあ行こう 2:OOAMの革命
見える物が真実なら 何故涙は在る?
流れ落ちる 心の裏 そこで僕は詩おう
声を紡いでゆく キミヘ届くように
夜明け前に目覚めの鐘を 鳴らせ
Ready.Go 時を駆けて Through the dark 今、飛び立て
燃えるような大輪の華 キミと咲かそう
ネオンのカクテル グラス越しの世界
君と僕は共犯者(タブー) 他のモノは要らない
与えられた名前は “ ”
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
mayonaka monokurona fuukei
negatta gokusaishiki no shinshou
hirogaru hodo irozuiteku kujaku no hane no you
mekuru mekuru hikari no MAGIC mugen no rasen e
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
mezameyou yume kara sameru yume
saa yukou gozen niji no kakumei
mieru mono ga shinjitsu nara naze namida wa aru?
nagareochiru kokoro no ura soko de boku wa utaou
koe wo tsumuideyuku kimi e todoku youni
yoake mae ni mezame no kane wo narase
Ready,Go toki wo kakete Through the dark ima, tobitate
moeru youna tairin no hana kimi to sakasou
neon no kakuteru gurasu goshi no sekai
kimi to boku wa tabuu hoka no mono wa iranai
sora e egaiteyuku kimi e todoku youni
kiseki no youna seiki no SHOW wo egake
hibike chihei koete yami wo nurikaeteku
orikasanaru hikari no naka de kimi to odorou
tsukaisuteta PROFILE
ataerareta namae wa " "
Midnight, monochrome scenery
The richly coloured image I wished for
The colours spread out like the feathers of a peacock
Going round and round, the magic of light, towards the spiral of fantasy
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound and surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
Let's wake up, the dream that awakens from a dream
Come on let's go, the 2:00AM revolution
If what you can see is reality, why are there tears?
On the back of your crying heart, I'll be singing there
Weave my voice, as if you reach you
Ring the bell of awakening before daybreak
Ready,Go Soar through time Through the dark Now, take flight
A large flower that seems to be burning, it'll bloom with you
A cocktail of neon, a world through the glass
You and I are partners in crime, we don't need anything else
Paint the sky, as if to reach you
Draw the show of the century that's like a miracle
Resound, surpass the horizon, I'll repaint the darkness
In the midst of the weaving and overlapping light, I'll dance with you
The profile that was used and thrown away
The name it was given is " "
Kiss twice, Kiss me deadly -アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
パブロフの犬のように 止められない欲求
滴 り落ちるゼリーが溢れたジャグジー
気を抜けば最後 一瞬のうちに
喉も噛み切られ しゃがれて shall we deadly dance with...
口づけしよう もう一度 君の秘密を暴こう
舌と舌の先に 真実があ る...SHaLaLaLaLa...「殺(あい)し合おう」
やや冷めたコーヒーカップ メリーゴーランドみたい
君と僕の隋性を 真似してみせる
淫らな指先 タクトにして
操作してみせて 今すぐ shall we deadly dance with...
口づけしよう もう一度 瞳は開けたまま
下と下の先に 君の死に顔...SHaLaLaLaLaLa...「許し 合おう」
気を抜けば最後 一瞬のうちに
喉も噛み切られ しゃがれて shall we deadly dance with...
口づけしよう もう一度 君の秘密を暴こう
舌と舌の先に 真実がある...SHaLaLa...
口づけし よう もう一度
I と愛の先に 君の死に顔...SHaLaLaLaLaLa...「愛(ころ)し合おう」
Kiss twice,Kiss me deadly
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
paburofu no inu no youni tomerarenai yokkyuu
shitatariochiru zerii ga afureta jagujii
ki wo nukeba saigo isshun no uchi ni
nodo mo kamikirare shagarete shall we deadly dance with...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido kimi no himitsu wo abakou
shita to shita no saki ni shinjitsu ga aru...SHaLaLaLaLa... "aishiaou"
yaya sameta koohii kappu meriigoorando mitai
kimi to boku no dasei wo maneshite miseru
midarana yubisaki takuto ni shite
sousashite misete ima sugu shall we deadly dance with...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido hitomi wa aketa mama
shita to shita no saku ni kimi no shinigao...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "yurushiaou"
ki wo nukeba saigo isshun no uchi ni
nodo mo kamikirare shagarete shall we deadly dance with...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido kimi no himitsu wo abakou
shita to shita no saki ni shinjitsu ga aru...SHaLaLa...
kuchizukeshiyou mou ichido
I to ai no saki ni kimi no shinigao...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "koroshiaou"
Kiss twice,Kiss me deadly
Like Pavlov's dog, the unstoppable desire
Trickling jelly overflowed from the jacuzzi
If you let your mind wonder, at the last moment
Even the throat was bitten, it becomes hoarse shall we deadly dance with...
Let's kiss one more time, and expose your secret
Beyond your tongue and mine, there's the truth...SHaLaLaLaLa... "Let's love each other"
The coffee cup that has cooled down a little is like a merry-go-round
It mimics our inertia
The lewd finger moves tactfully
Manipulate me, immediately shall we deadly dance with...
Let's kiss one more time, with our eyes open
Beyond your below and mine, your dead face...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "Let's forgive each other"
If you let your mind wonder, at the last moment
Even the throat was bitten, it becomes hoarse shall we deadly dance with...
Let's kiss one more time, and expose your secret
Beyond your tongue and mine, there's the truth...SHaLaLa...
Let's kiss one more time
Beyond "I" and "love"*, your dead face...SHaLaLaLaLaLa... "Let's kill each other"
Translator's Note:
*"I" was written in English. Romanised, it is pronounced "ai", which is the same reading for "love" (ai). This is a pun in line with the two similar lines earlier in the song, which were also puns.
CROSS GAME - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
光射す方へ。 見上げて誓った
夜明けすら遠く 眩しく剌さる
目醒めてゆく In the wonderland.
溢れ出してた 想いの波は寄せ
アルゴリズムで 解けない世界に
賽を解き放て get out&follow the light
夢見てた明日は いつか過ぎ去り
混ざり合えない 心に鍵をかけ
甘いトリック 誘うフレイヴァー
美しき予感 奏でて
意味を成さない 涙は無いから
そう 望まれた存在理由を演じよう。
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
hikari sasu hou e. miagete chikatta
bokura dake no mirai, kizuite iku
yoake sura tooku mabushiku sasaru
mezamete yuku In the wonderland.
afuredashiteta omoi no nami wa yose
arugorizumu de tokenai sekai ni
tatoe, hikari ushinatte mo.
kokoro (shinzou) no ura no sunadokei wa modoranai
sai wo tokihanate get out&follow the light
yume miteta ashita wa itsuka sugisari
kousashiteku negai, hoshi (ryuuseigun) ni naru.
matataki mo wasure, mitsume tsuzuketa
areguro yori asayakana "toki"
mazari aenai kokoro ni kagi wo kake
amai torikku sasou fureivaa
shiro to kuro no shikou no hate
kasumi yuku sora, mou kako wa iranai
utsukushiki yokan kanadete
...namida ochiru made, iki wo hisometa
ano hi, aosugita sutoorii
maiagare ashita e, kodou yori hayaku
douka owaru koto naki tabi wo
imi wo nasanai namida wa nai kara
kono koe yo kimi ni todoke.
aa, hashiridashita toki (jidai) no nagare koete
sou nozomareta imi (sonzai riyuu) wo enjiyou.
We looked up in the direction that the light shone towards and vowed
We are building our own future
It pierces brilliantly through as far as dawn
Wake up In the wonderland.
Hold close the waves of overflowing feelings
In the world that can't be solved with an algorithm
Let's say, even if you part with the light
The hourglass at the back of your heart can't be turned back
Cast the die, get out&follow the light (1)
The tomorrow that you dreamt of, someday it will pass
The wish to intersect it becomes a star.
It even forgets to twinkle, and goes on watching
The "time" that is more vivid than an allegro
Turn the key in the heart that I can't blend into
The flavour that tempts the sweet trick
The end of thinking about black and white (2)
The sky clouds, we don't need the past anymore
A beautiful premonition is playing (3)
... Till tears fall, I held my breath
The story that paled that day
Towards tomorrow that soars high, faster than a heartbeart
Somehow or other, I'll go on a journey without an end
It doesn't make sense, because there are no tears
This voice will reach you.
Aaah, start running and surpass the flow of time
Yes, we'll act out the meaning that we wished for.
Translator's Note:
1. "Die": The six-sided kind that you play games or gamble with.
2. He means that there will he (or they, or whoever he is speaking to) will no longer think about making a choice between black and white. Something like that.
3. "Playing" as in the playing of music.
昴 - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
この頃 息苦しいんだ 鏡の中探しても
自 分の存在だって 確かに感じられない
悲しみが頬伝い 窓の外 見上げ
夜空には 一つでは輝けない 星達
僕には気 付けなかった。自分の 心臓の音も
誰かのリズムになって 変わらず そこに在ればいい
生きる意味 探してた 消えそうな光
で も
確かめた 君の手の 温もり 忘れない
過ぎ去った 涙降る夜 その中で 手を広げた
飛べるさ 目を閉じたな ら…二人で 願えたのなら
重ねてた 一人では輝けない プレアデス
変わらずに またここで 君と笑おう
so sweet pain...
be as one, forever & ever
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
kono koro iki kurushiin da kagami no naka sagashite mo
jibun no sonzai datte tashika ni kanjirarenai
kanashimi ga hoho tsutai mado no soto miage
yozora ni wa hitotsu de wa kagayakenai hoshitachi
boku ni wa kizukenakatta. jibun no kokoro no oto mo
dareka no rizumu ni natte kawarazu soko ni areba ii
ikiru imi sagashiteta kiesouna hikari
tashikameta kimi no te no nukumori wasurenai
sugisatta namida furu yoru sono naka de te wo hirogeta
toberu sa me wo tojita nara... futari de negaeta no nara
kasaneteta hitori de wa kagayakenai pureadesu
kawarazu ni mata koko de kimi to waraou
so sweet pain...
be as one, forever&ever
At this moment, it was painful to breathe, even if I search in the mirror
I can't feel my own existence with certainty
With sadness along my cheek, I look up, out of the window
In the night sky, there are stars that can't shine alone
I was unable to notice. Even the sound of my own heart
It just has to become someone else's rhythm, and stay there without changing
I was searching for the meaning of living, the light seemed to fade
I don't forget the warmth of your hand, that I had ascertained
The night of shedding tears passed, in the midst of that, I opened my hand
I can fly, if I close my eyes... if the two of us could wish for that
The overlapping Pleiades that can't shine alone
I'll smile with you here again, without changing
so sweet pain...
be as one, forever&ever
www. - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
氾濫する情報 波にさらわれて
依存する 匿名希望A
得意げな ブラインド・タッチ
World Wide Warning 崩れゆく自我の中で
World Wide Despair キミが壊れてく前に
文字の羅列にまで 踊らされ笑う
知りすぎた 現代のREALIST
プ ラトンは? イデア論は?
World Wide Warning ハリボテで出来たTODAY
World Wide Despair 疑う事始めよう
ride on, ride on, ride on,「Ride on time」
World Wide Warning だから愛して見せてよ
World Wide Despair 本当のキミ壊れる前
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
hanransuru jouhou nami ni sarawarete
izonsuru tokumei kibou A
tokuige na buraindo tacchi
World Wide Warning kuzureyuku jiga no naka de
World Wide Despair kimi ga kowareteku mae ni
monji no raretsu ni made odorasare warau
shirisugita gendai no REALIST
puraton wa? idea ron wa?
World Wide Warning haribote de dekita TODAY
World Wide Despair utagau koto hajimeyou
ride on, ride on, ride on,"Ride on time"
World Wide Warning dakara aishite misete yo
World Wide Despair hontou no kimi kowareru mae
Information that overflows is swept away by the waves
We rely on the anonymous hope A (1)
The proud blind touch
World Wide Warning Within myself that's crumbling
World Wide Despair Before you're destroyed
Made to dance even to the enumeration of the alphabet, I laugh
The modern REALIST who knew too much
Who's Plato? What's idealism? (2)
World Wide Warning TODAY was made from papier mache
World Wide Despair Let's start to doubt
ride on, ride on, ride on,"Ride on time"
World Wide Warning That's why I'll show you my love
World Wide Despair Before the real you is destroyed
Translator's Note:
1. Shou wrote the lyrics during a "Ghost in the Shell 3" phase. Please refer.
2. Platonic Idealism.
Drella - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
Kissing you, like a vampire
香り立つ ブラド・ティー
The two of us, pieces of the end
味付けは 微糖「召 し上がれ」
灰の降る街 少女は廻る
幾千の灯火 一夜で消えた
君はシンデレラ(the part of light)
或はドラキュラ(the part of dark)
Tell me why, I don't know real face
The two of you, It's change the world
目当てはロゼ どうぞ「召し上がれ」
靴は ガラス細工のヒール
可憐さと危うさ 纒って走る
今は午前零時(time of the end)
全ての夢のあと(ever after)
Call my name, If you're regret
傷 口は薔薇の様
Die for you, but I hate your lies
乾いた嘘 どうぞ棺桶まで...
one, two
「666666666666666666666」for U
似て 非なるものさ
君はシンデレラ(the part of light)
或はドラキュラ(the part of dark)
Kissing you, like a vampire
ひと思いに 断ち切って
The two of us, pieces of the end
今 宵もまた、一名「召し上がれ」
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
Kissing you, like a vampire
kaori tatsu burado tii
The two of us, pieces of the end
ajitsuke wa bitou "meshiagare"
hai no furu machi shoujo wa mawaru
ikusen no tomoshibi ichiya de kieta
kimi wa shinderera (the part of light)
aru wa dorakyura (the part of dark)
Tell me why, I don't know real face
kiba wo motta hanabira
The two of you, It's change the world
meate wa roze douso "meshiagare"
kutsu wa garasu saiku no hiiru
karen sa to ayau sa matotte hashiru
ima wa gozen reiji (time of the end)
subete no yume no ato (ever after)
Call my name, If you're regret
kizuguchi wa bara no you
Die for you, but I hate your lies
kawaita uso douzo kan'oke made...
one, two
[666666666666666666666]for U
[Anthology] douwa to kimi no uso
nitehinaru mono sa
kimi wa shinderera (the part of light)
aru wa dorakyura (the part of dark)
Kissing you, like a vampire
hito omoi ni tachikitte
The two of us, pieces of the end
koyoi mo mata, ichimei "meshiagare"
Kissing you, like a vampire
The aroma of blood tea rises
The two of us, pieces of the end
With just a bit of sugar added, "Enjoy your meal"*
The young girl passes the street where ash falls
Thousands of lamplights disappear in one night
You are Cinderella (the part of light)
Or Dracula (the part of dark)
Tell me why, I don't know real face
Flower petals with teeth
The two of you, It's change the world
A view of roses, please "Enjoy your meal"
Your shoes are heels skilfully crafted from glass
You move clad in sweetness and danger
It's midnight now (time of the end)
After all the dreams (ever after)
Call my name, If you're regret
The wounds are like roses
Die for you, but I hate your lies
Died-up lies, please proceed to the coffin...
one, two
[666666666666666666666]for U
[Anthology] Fairy tales and your lies
They're similar but not the same
You are Cinderella (the part of light)
Or Dracula (the part of dark)
Kissing you, like a vampire
I resolutely break off this relationship
The two of us, pieces of the end
Tonight, I'm dining alone again, "Enjoy your meal"
Translator's Note:
*"meshiagare" is "to eat" in honourific form. I guess it can be thought of as something like "Please enjoy your meal".
MIRROR BALL - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
絶えず繰り返したhide & seek
滲んだeye liner 黒い涙を落とす
瞳に映る光 空へ続くstairway
月の光は心を染めて この指は解けて
永遠さえも色褪せるなら この一瞬を止めて
そんな僕らのdance floor
重なる月はmirror ball
願いよ 流星ではなく どうか君へ届いて
誰もが一人ならば 僕等 出会わなかった
鏡の中は星屑の雨 また廻る季節へ
光はやがて 過去から未来へ だから今は さようなら。
悲しみの連鎖に 掠れさせた言葉は
I'm still calling 空が濁る 汚れた羽根で 今を駆け抜けてゆく
どれだけ時が過ぎ、涙は涸れていても この詩は枯れずに
奏でてゆけるだろうか? その時は傍に居て欲しいと願うから
月の光はやがて消えても ずっとそこに在るから
変わる事無く 君を照らそう 夢の描くエピローグ
You & I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
どこかで傷ついて、月宵見上げている野良猫もきっと 同じさ
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
taezu kurikashita hide&seek
hikari to yami no kousa ga
kimi to boku no kyoukaisen
senbiki, futari wo hedateta
nijinda eye liner kuroi namida wo otosu
hitomi ni utsuru hikari sora e tsuzuku stairway
tsuki no hikari wa kokoro wo somete kono yubi wo hodokete
eien sae mo iroaseru nara kono toki (isshun) wo todomete
asai nemuri ni yose egaku
yume to sou no e no gu de
sonna bokura no dance floor
kasanaru tsuki wa mirror ball
negai yo hoshi (ryuusei) dewa naku douka kimi e todoite
daremo ga hitori naraba bokura deawanakatta
kagami no naka wa hoshikuzu no ame mata mawaru kisetsu e
hikari wa yagate kako kara asu (mirai) e dakara ima wa sayounara.
kanashimi no rensa ni kasuresaseta kotoba wa anata no name wo yobi, chuu ni matta ne
I'm still calling sora ga nigoru kegareta hane de ima wo kakenukete yuku
doredake toki ga sugi, namida wa kareteite mo kono uta wa karezu ni
kanadete yukeru darou ka? sono toki wa soba ni ite hoshii to negau kara
tsuki no hikari wa yagate kiete mo zutto soko ni aru kara
kawaru koto naku kimi wo terasou yume wo egaku epiroogu
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
dokoka de kizutsuite mo, tsuki yoi miageteiru noraneko mo kitto onaji sa
Hide and seek repeated endlessly
It's the intersection of light and dark
The boundary line of you and me
The line is drawn, and separated two people
The eye liner that ran, it made black tears fall
Light that reflects in the eye, the stairway that continues to the sky
The light of the moon dyes my heart, this finger is untied
If even eternity fades, stop this moment
In shallow sleep, gather and paint
Using tools of pictures of dreams and thoughts
Our dance floor is like that
The overlapping moon is a mirror ball
My wish isn't a shooting star, please let it reach you
If everyone is alone, we wouldn't have met
It's a rain of stardust in the mirror, towards the revolving seasons once again
Before long, light will go from the past to the future, so goodbye for now.
The words made hoarse in the chain of sadness, they called out your name, danced in the air
I'm still calling The sky clouds, with dirtied wings, go on and run through now
Will this song be able to play without withering
No matter how much time passes, how much tears dry up? Because I wish to be by your side at that time
Even if the light of the moon disappears over time, because it will always be there
Without changing, it will shine on you, the epilogue painted in the dream
You and I are face and back unity.
If you decide to live, I will live, too.
Surely, even the stray cat that is injured somewhere and gazing up at the moonlit night, is the same
Alice nine
Lyrics: Shou
振りかざす きみは
Are you ready?
笑っても泣いても 答えの出ない
誰かの夢リフレインさせて 見える景色には魅力が無くて
夢見るだけ無駄な足掻きでも 壊して そしてまた創ばいい
笑っても泣いても 答えの出ない
僕らは皆 貝一人きりで
結局のところ、自分の居場所 探している
未完成だから 僕らの心臓は左側だけ
遠い距離が 想いを強くするなら
笑っても泣いても 答えの出ない
誰かの夢リフレインさせて 見える景色には魅力が無くて
思うがまま描く夢だから 本当の価値がある
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
kikoe no ii kotoba
furikazasu kimi wa
furui ashikase wo kaketagaru
jouki to seorii
chokkan to hirameki
docchi ga masaru ka?
Are you ready?
waratte mo naite mo kotae no denai
"QUIZ"TV SHOW goran are
dareka no yume rifurein sasete mieru keshiki ni wa miryoku ga nakute
yume miru dake muda na agaki demo kowashite soshite mata tsukureba ii
kanashiinda buri no
usotsuki no gunshu
kanashii eiga de manzoku ge sa
hito to onaji koto
hito to chigau koto
sono kurikaeshi de
tsukareta darou?
waratte mo naite mo kotae no denai
"LIFE"MOVIE SHOW goran are
bokura wa minna tada hitorikiri de
kekkyoku no tokoro, jibun no ibasho sagashiteiru
mikansei dakara bokura no kokoro (shinzou) wa hidarigawa dake
tooi kyori ga omoi wo tsuyoku suru nara
hashire! hashire! hashire! todoke! todoke! todoke!
negaigoto ga kanau made
waratte mo naite mo kotae no denai
"QUIZ"TV SHOW goran are
dareka no yume rifurein sasete mieru keshiki ni wa miryoku ga nakute
omou ga mama egaku yume dakara hontou no kachi ga aru
sou darou?
masshiro na sadame (unmei) e
You wield
The words that we should listen to
You want to put old shackles on
Rulers and theories
Instinct and insight
Which one is better?
Are you ready?
Even if you laugh, even if you cry, the answer doesn't appear
Please watch the "QUIZ"TV SHOW
Let someone's dream refrain*, there's no charm in the scenery you can see
It's just the pointless struggling that you dream of, but it would be good if you could destroy it then recreate it
The crowd of liars
Who are pretending to be sad
They're satisfied by a sad movie
Things that are the same as everyone
Things that are different from everyone
Aren't you tired
Of that repetition?
Even if you laugh, even if you cry, the answer doesn't appear
Please watch the "LIFE"MOVIE SHOW
We're all alone by ourselves In the end, we are searching for where we each belong
It's still unfinished, that's why our hearts are only on the left side
If the far distance strengthens our feelings
Run! Run! Run! Reach! Reach! Reach!
Until you fulfill your wish
Even if you laugh, even if you cry, the answer doesn't appear
Please watch the "QUIZ"TV SHOW
Let someone's dream refrain*, there's no charm in the scenery you can see
The dream you drew while thinking, there's real value in that
Isn't that so?
Towards pure white destiny
Translator's Note:
*"Let someone's dream refrain": The word "refrain" was used as a verb. I couldn't think of another way to translate it so here's the literal translation.
Waterfall - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
やがて川になり 海へ
形 成してゆく要素
幾つもの 愛 言葉
幾つもの 傷 犠牲
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
スローに映 る過程
積み重なる意志 希望
未来を願う 誓い
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
涙落ちゆく時 拭えなかったものは 安らぎにも似た 色褪せない
だから、僕は僕の ままで 君と生きよう。痛まぬ傷は無い
遠すぎた あの空へ
I'll be with you, 君が望む 永久の先まで
僕 は生まれ 四季の終わりを知る
廻り巡る青き星の片隅で 落ちてゆく雫 誰にも知られずに
だから、僕は 僕のままで 君と生きよう。
美しく燃えた 涙が乾くまで
だから、僕は僕のままで 君と生きよう
I'll be with you, 君が望む 永久の先まで
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
Arrangement: alice nine./Takumi Masanori
nagareochiru kioku
yagate kawa ni nari umi e
keiseishiteyuku youso
ikutsu mo no ai kotoba
ikutsu mo no kizu gisei
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
suroo ni utsuru katei
tsumikasanaru ishi kibou
eranda no wa michi jyanaku
oshietekureta tomo to
mirai wo negau chikai
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
namida ochiyuku toki nuguenakatta mono wa yasuragi ni mo nita iroasenai ao no hibi
dakara, boku wa boku no mama de kimi to ikiyou. itanamu kizu wa nai toosugita ano sora e
I'll be with you, kimi ga nozomu towa no saki made
boku wa umare shiki no owari wo shiru
gareki no naka kara saku hana
mawari meguru aoki hoshi no katasumi de ochiteyuku shizuku dare ni mo shirarezu ni
dakara, boku wa boku no mama de kimi to ikiyou. utsukushiku moeta namida ga kawaku made
hitori, uchuu to iu orugooru ga naiteru
dakara, boku wa boku no mama de kimi to ikiyou
I'll be with you, kimi ga nozomu towa no saki made
Memories that flow down
They soon become a river, towards the sea
The elements that take form
The many words of love
The many sacrifices and wounds
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
The process that reflects slowly
Determination and hope accumulate
What we choose isn't the path
With the friends who taught us
We hope for the future, and vow
I'm falling down to the dark, but I can't say good-bye to you
searching for own pieces
When tears are shed, the things that can't be wiped away are the blue days, resembling tranquility, that don't fade away
That's why, I'll live with you the way I am. There are no wounds that don't hurt, towards the sky that was too far away
I'll be with you, till beyond the eternity that you wish for
I'm born, and know of the end of the four seasons
The flower that blooms from the midst of rubble
At the corner of the revolving blue stars, shards fall without being known by anyone
That's why, I'll live with you the way I am. Until the tears that burned beautifully dry up
Alone, the music box called the universe is crying
That's why, I'll live with you the way I am
I'll be with you, till beyond the eternity that you wish for
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