
JEWELS - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
君のくれた 春の日々は
香りはそのままで 廻るよ
言えない言葉を 置いて
静かに 優しく 寄り添い 二人だけの宝石を見てた
心は どうして 痛んで 失くした物ばかり欲しがる?
愛し方も 知らずに 只君を 傷つけ
どれだけの意味を 僕は成せるだろう
※君の傍で 君の傍で 詩を歌わせてくれないか
夜空の 五線譜の上
光さえも 音でさえも 君に届くような気がして
あの時 言えない 言葉は どこへ行って 還ったのだろう
どこかで 笑って くれたら それでいいと 思える今は
この遥かな大地に 置き去りにした言葉
手を引き、行くよ 息を切らし 明日へ
瞳閉じて 君のくれた SPADEのピアスを握った
このまま 闇に堕ちてゆく
光さえも 音でさえも 君に届くような気がして
記憶は 奏でる 永久に
光は まるで 宝石の様に
幾重の 想いを 映した
君のくれた 春の日々は
今も僕の胸で輝く それが君との証
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
kimi no kureta haru no hibi wa
kaori wa sono mama de mawaru yo
ienai kotoba wo oite
shizuka ni yasashiku yorisoi futari dake no houseki wo miteta
kokoro wa doushite itande nakushita mono bakari hoshigaru?
aishikata mo shirazu ni tada kimi wo kizutsuke
dore dake no imi wo boku wa naseru darou
kimi no soba de kimi no soba de uta wo utawasete kurenai ka
yozora no gosenfu no ue
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wo kanadete yuku yo
ano toki ienai kotoba wa doko e itte kaetta no darou
dokoka de waratte kuretara sore de ii to omoeru ima wa
kono harukana daichi ni okizari ni shita kotoba
te wo hiki, yuku yo iki wo kirashi asu e
hitomi tojite kimi no kureta SPADE no piasu wo nigitta
kono mama yami ni ochite yuku
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wa kanaderu towa ni
kimi no soba de kimi no soba de uta wo utawasete kurenai ka
yozora no gosenfu no ue
hikari sae mo oto de sae mo kimi ni todoku you na ki ga shite
kioku wo kanadete yuku yo
hikari wa maru de houseki no you ni
ikue no omoi wo utsushita
kimi no kureta haru no hibi wa
ima mo boku no mune de kagayaku
sore ga kimi to no akashi
The spring days that you had brought to me
Their scent still lingers in that same way
Leaving behind the words that couldn't be said
Gently cuddling close together in the quietness, we were looking at the jewel that belonged to only the two of us
Why is my heart hurting? Am I just wishing for something that I've lost?
Without knowing how to love, I only hurt you
How much meaning have I been able to build up?
By your side, by your side, will you let me sing a song for you?
On the musical score in the night sky
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out *
The words that couldn't be said at that time, I guess they go somewhere, and return
Somewhere, if you're smiling for me - now, I'm able to think that it's good enough
The words left behind on this faraway earth
Take me by the hand and lead me, breathless, to tomorrow
I close my eyes, and grasped the spade earring that you had given me
Like this, I fall into darkness
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played, forever
By your side, by your side, will you let me sing a song for you?
On the musical score in the night sky
Even the light, even with these notes, I think they'll reach you
The memories are played out
Like a jewel, the light
Reflected a myriad of thoughts
The spring days that you had brought to me
Even now, they sparkle in my heart
They're the proof of having been with you
Translator's Note:
*"Play" as in the playing of music.
ROSARIO - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
解けかけた 君との糸を 繋ぎ直す為にここへ来たんだ
君の頬 伝うもの、それは溢れ出た
悲しみが 君の為に 心を洗った証
ロザリオの様に輝く 煌天の夜空に
涙した 日々の数だけ 君を笑わせよう
歳月は過ぎ あれ程思い焦がれた日々も セピアに沈むけれど
僕らは風化しない筈で変わらない。 そう願った
ふと見上げた クリームソーダの海で、
君が 望むなら 「どうぞ 喜んで。」
この胸の心臓も ハート以外は安いものさ
ロザリオの様に輝く 煌天の夜空に
涙した 日々の数だけ 君を笑わせよう
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
seiza no kisetsu, machi wa irodori, kobaruto buruu no heddoraito ga yureru
hodokekaketa kimi to no ito wo tsunaginaosu tame ni koko e kitanda
kimi no hoho tsutau mono, sore wa afuredeta
kanashimi ga kimi no tame ni kokoro wo aratta akashi
rozario no you ni kagayaku kouten no yozora ni
namidashita hibi no kazu dake kimi wo warawaseyou
sou chikatta
saigetsu wa sugi are hodo omoikogareta hibi mo sepia ni shizumu keredo
bokura wa fuukashinai hazu de kawaranai. sou negatteta
futo miageta kuriimu sooda no umi de,
kimi ga nozomu nara 'douzo yorokonde.'
kono mune no shinzou mo haato igai wa yasui mono sa
rozario no you ni kagayaku kouten no yozora ni
namidashita hibi no kazu dake kimi wo warawaseyou
sou chikatta
The season of constellations, the streets are coloured, the cobalt blue headlights are swaying
The thread that connects to you started to come untied, I came here to tie it back
Tears overflowed down your cheek
For you, sadness is the proof that washed through my heart
Sparkling like Rosario, in the dazzling night sky
I'll make you smile the same number of days that you cried
That's what I promised
Time is passing, even the days spent pining to that extent sink into sepia
But I don't think we'll be weathered, we won't change. That's what I was wishing for
I looked up suddenly, in the sea of cream soda
If you wish to, "Please be happy."
Even the heart in this chest is worthless except for the heart
Sparkling like Rosario, in the dazzling night sky
I'll make you smile the same number of days that you cried
That's what I promised
Translator's Note:
I know that some lines in this translation sound exceedingly weird. The original lyrics were rather abstract, and I've done my best to translate as literally as possible, so that readers can just interpret them in their own way.
“13” - アリス九號.
作詞:将 作曲:アリス九號.
気付かぬ間に ルーレットは廻り始め
隣の誰かが密告者な事など 知る由もない
このいばらの冠 被るのは 愛すべき“貴方”
深い眠りに落ちた 救いようも無いような因果の果てに
誰もが痛みを持って 無くなる筈の無い不安を抱え 目を伏せた
それなら問おう 痛みを知り 償う者よ
お前は何を知り 何を求める為 地を這うのか
このいばらの冠 被るのは 愛すべき“貴方”
深い眠りに落ちた 救いようも無いような因果の果てに
いつかは誤り、堕ちて 初めて痛みを知り 学ぶのなら 甘んじよう
sorrow on brier,regret at treason
If you noticed that sin and lies
why not tell me
why not tell me
あぁ 明星に 照らされた 十字に
この汚れきった 両手で 祈りを
深い眠りに落ちた 救いようも無いような因果の果てに
貴方が遺した花を 枯らさぬ様にきっと咲かせ続け 育てよう
Lyrics: Shou
Music: alice nine.
kizukanu ma ni ruuretto wa mawari hajime
tonari no dareka ga mikkokusha na koto nado shiru yoshi mo nai
kono ibara no kanmuri kaburu no wa aisu beki "anata"
fukai nemuri ni ochita sukuiyou mo nai youna inga no hate ni
daremo ga itami wo motte naku naru hazu no nai fuan wo kakae me wo fuseta
sore nara toou itami wo shiri tsugunau mono yo
omae wa nani wo shiri nani wo motomeru tame chi wo hau no ka
kono ibara no kanmuri kaburu no wa aisu beki "anata"
fukai nemuri ni ochita sukuiyou mo nai youna inga no hate ni
itsuka wa ayamari, ochite hajimete itami wo shiri manabu no nara amanjiyou
sorrow on brier,regret at treason
If you noticed that sin and lies
why not tell me
why not tell me
aa myoujyou ni terasareta jyuuji ni
kono kegarekitta ryoute de inori wo
fukai nemuri ni ochita sukuiyou mo nai youna inga no hate ni
anata ga nokoshita hana wo karasanu youni kitto sakase tsuzuke sodateyou
In the time when we are unaware, the roulette starts spinning
There isn't a reason for someone beside to know about the betrayer and the like
The one who wears this crown of thorns is the "You" that I should love
I fell into a deep sleep, at the end of the cause and effect that doesn't hold any salvation (1)
Everyone holds pain, embracing the uneasiness that probably won't disappear; I cast down my eyes
If so, let's ask: The person who knows pain and atones for it
What do you know? What are you wishing for, that makes you crawl along the ground?
The one who wears this crown of thorns is the "You" that I should love
I fell into a deep sleep, at the end of the cause and effect that doesn't hold any salvation
Someday I made a mistake and fell, and knew of pain for the first time; If I learn from it, I'll resign myself to this fate (2)
sorrow on brier,regret at treason (3)
If you noticed that sin and lies
why not tell me
why not tell me
Ah, on the cross that the bright star shone upon (4)
With this dirtied pair of hands, I pray
I fell into a deep sleep, at the end of the cause and effect that doesn't hold any salvation
The flowers that you left behind will surely continue to bloom without withering, they'll grow
Translator's Note:
1. cause and effect: Also known as "karma"
2. fell: In this instance, the kanji used is more likely interpreted as "fallen", as in fall from a higher position to a lower one. Refer to explanation below.
3. brier: Thorny plants or shrubs, also known as "briar"
4. bright star: Could be a reference to the morning star, Venus, or also Lucifer. Refer to explanation below.
Interpretation Notes
Shou said in the 2007/May issue of SHOXX that these lyrics portray the story of Christ and Judas. (For those unfamiliar with the Biblical story, these lyrics basically tell the story of Judas's betrayal of Christ.) I'll attempt to deconstruct the lyrics with reference to what I know of the story, but I've never read the Bible, so please bear with my amateur understanding. Also, even though my interpretation is based on what Shou has revealed, my analysis is still my personal interpretation and may not be correct. Feel free to interpret them your own way!
The first clue is the person who wears the "crown of thorns", which can be taken as a reference to Jesus. This is further supported by the use of the "anata" in inverted commas. Shou rarely uses "anata" in other songs, usually he uses "kimi, so "anata" here with its inverted commas must carry a certain weight. Placing it in the context of the lyrics, even without bringing in the Biblical reference, it can already be inferred that the "anata" refers to a higher being. (This was what triggered my curiosity in the first place, and on further questioning I realised that the song would fit the story of Judas's betrayal very aptly.) The last line of the first stanza explains Judas's feelings towards Jesus.
Next, there is the reference to Judas's death. (I'm just hazarding a guess here, it could mean something else too.) According to the Gospel of Matthew, Judas regretted his betrayal and committed suicide. Hence the "cause and effect that holds no salvation" - his actions caught up with him and there is no salvation for him.
In the fourth stanza, "I made a mistake and fell" ties in with Judas's betrayal. Having betrayed Jesus, he has 'fallen'. In this line, Shou uses a different verb for "fall". Previously, the English word "fall" was sufficient as a translation, but for this particular line, the "fall" is more of falling from a higher place to a lower place. In a sense, to degenerate.
The next stanza in English is interesting. "Sorrow on brier" could be a reference to Jesus's feelings about Judas's betrayal, while "regret at treason" would be Judas's regret. "If you noticed that sin and lies / why not tell me" refers to Jesus's knowledge that Judas would betray him. It can be interpreted as Judas saying to Jesus: 'If you knew that I was going to betray you, why did you not tell me?' The following stanza is more ambiguous, because of the noun "myoujyou". Literally translated, it would mean "bright star", which could be a reference to the Star of Bethlehem (the star that Jesus was believed to have been born under) or the star which Jesus pointed out to Judas as 'the one that showed the way' (Gospel of Judas), or any of the other stars mentioned at various points in the Gospels.
The last line of the last stanza seems slightly out of place with the story, unless you look upon the "flowers" as 'seeds', perhaps the seeds of religion (the Church) or faith sown by Jesus.
Once I reached this point, the reference in the song title was very obvious - there were 13 people at the Last Supper.
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